
Does anyone have any advice for taking the AP US history course?

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I am taking this class this upcoming year. Currently, I'm working on the summer assesment. Do you have any advice on what to expect for the course in general, or even the first day?




  1. Take good notes and review them frequently.  From day one, be well-organized so you can refer to things in your notes from the reading assignments as well as notes from class lectures.  Keep EVERY handout the teacher gives you.  And remember that all the assignments will be so much easier if you keep up with things and don't let yourself fall behind.  

    AP classes are a great place to learn to think - so enjoy the class and get all you can from it!  Good luck!!

  2. expect homework everynight, even fridays. take lots of notes and pay close attention, a lot of what the teacher says will end up on a test. expect to do double time when the AP test comes around. get lots of sleep before hand.

  3. Expect to do a lot of work if you want to do a good job on the AP test.  I had about 3 hours of homework every night from that class.  It is worth it tho

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