
Does anyone have any advice or useful information on cloth diapers: which brand, how many?Any info really.?

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Our son is due in October and we are in the process of preparing for baby. We have decided to go with cloth diapers and because our water is so cheap we have decided to wash them ourselves opposed to a diaper service. But all the information I have been able to find on the subject is provided by companies trying to sell me their diapers. . .I have no idea where to start. Thanks.




  1. My next baby is due in October, too!  He's my fourth, and I've cloth diapered three already.  Great choice!

    First off, don't bother with diapers at Walmart.  They suck.  Really.

    You can read reviews of diapers from mommies who actually use them here:

    Also check out the forums on and for lots of useful information.  You can also buy used diapers there.   I bought all of my diapers from mamas on those sites.  It's a lot cheaper than buying them new, if it doesn't gross you out.  (Doesn't bother me any. lol)

    And if you haven't found it yet, this site can tell you pretty much everything you need to know about diapers.  Learn about the fabrics, washing, removing stains, and even how to make your own.

    For the record, most of my stash is comprised of Kissaluvs.  I like the way they fasten below the belly, bikini style.  All of my babies were chubby so I always fastened their diapers there, anyway, but since KLs are made to go on like that they fit better than other diapers.  And they're really soft.  I've only used prefolds on newborns, but this time around I splurged on the newborn KLs.  I have 6 each of the fitteds and the contours.  (Bought used on Diaper Swappers, of course.)  I can't tell you how well the newborn ones fit because I haven't used them yet, but I love the larger sizes on an older baby.

    I also have several FuzziBunz and bumGenius one size.  While I think they work just great, I don't like the feel of PUL.  And my youngest baby always got a sweaty butt in those.

    I use fleece pockets for night.  (Green Acre Designs, for the most part.)  I tried the Joeybunz hemp/cotton fleece inserts in them.  Those things are worth every cent!  They hold a ton of pee!

    Also, if you like the idea of wool soakers, longies, or shorties, but are turned off by the price, there are plenty of free patterns on the internet.  If you can knit or crochet, you can make a soaker for a mere $4 if you buy the Lion Wool at Walmart.  That's what I've always used and it's pretty soft.

  2. Since you are going to laundry them yourself, you wont need as many.

    I went to Wal Mart bought like 4 sets which had like 6 per pack I forget it's been a while.  I used disposable for long car rides or special family outings. and when they started sleeping through the night.  Start out and if you think you will need more they are not that expensive.  Get really good pins and keep extras in your diaper bag and around the changing table you will lose or wash a few.

  3. Hey I'm due in october too! and I just asked this question so I thought I would let you read my couple answers.

  4. There is this store that I found after we were already spoiled on those terrible disposable diapers.  Anyway- the link below has numerous cloth options among other things (like a diaper spray).  I hope all the info helps and good for you for going green!  

  5. Use Mother-Ease!  Go to and get the One Size Bamboo.  My husband and I absolutely LOVE them!  If you are breastfeeeding exclusively you do not even need to rinse them out, just throw them in the washer!  Baby will probably go through at least 12/day for the first six weeks, and maybe more, so you'll want at least 30, I would say.  We have 35 and that works out nicely for us.  But I have talked to many people who are using different brands of cloth diapers and they all have problems with leaks, but with mother-ease you will not have any leaks!  These diapers are SO soft and bamboo is antimicrobial so my son never gets diaper rash even though I never change his diaper at night.  Also check out the forum on their website as you may be able to buy some used and save even more money.  They are a bit pricey brand new at about $15 each but worth every penny in my opinion!  Plus, they are one size, so they are adjustable as your baby grows and you will not need to buy different sizes.  Don't be tempted to buy the "all-in-one" or the "Sandy's" diapers offered on their website; the "one size" is truly the best.  

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