
Does anyone have any chess tips?

by Guest32405  |  earlier

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I made a bet with a friend and I need to win lol




  1. buy a chess book?

  2. Hello --

    I am very impressed with Rodney's answer!

    I would recommend that there are a lot of chess resources on the web:

    There are some very good youtube chess videos!

    Good luck with your bet,


  3. think about your move carefully and also think about your friends moves carefully. take your time :)


  4. Use all of your pieces.  Develop them one at a time and use them in combination for better effects.  Get your king castled on either side of the board.  Put rooks on open lines where they can have mobility.  Use center pawns to control central space.  Watch your opponent's eyes for clues as to what he/she is planning.  Sit on your hands until you are ready to make your move.


  5. put on your game face >:]

  6. play your rooks like they are the best pieces,  the queen will keep things in order

  7. make sure your bottom side with the king dont die, surround the king =) with some pawns and use your bishops to do a double attack along with the rooks and knights

  8. Try  a few lessons here:

    Better than me yapping about the center.:)

  9. Yes! Speed chess! I used to get my a** whooped by my dad, brother and sister, but when we started playing speed chess, I suddenly came up in the game. It could be because I work better under pressure in most situations.

    Good Luck


    Think about what he is planning, why he made that move BEFORE you touch or think about moving. Is he threatening anything? Is there a checkmate threat? Then if not, think about your best move and make it. If you are playing speed chess, this still applies but have a quick look at threats then make a move. Dont spend more than 20 secs on each move. If you get behind, keep threatening him. Dont give in until it's too late to fight back (e.g rook or queen down).

    Good luck and play well

  11. Take your time. You should be careful of what you move. You should also think of what can be a possible move by your enemy/ friend.

  12. Don't leave your king closed in.  Keep his area open so you have options.

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