
Does anyone have any clue what this could mean?

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Hi! I've been having the same dream... not on the same night but it is always the same when I'm dreaming it:

I have a dream that these people with pulsating flashing lights are coming closer to me.. but I can never see their faces.... Those lights are just too bright and pulsating... but not rythmically, kind of all over the place... And I always am terrified to death. And trust me, I have been through a lot so I don't get scared that easily.. So that is why its bugging me... I AM TERRIFIED! in my dream and when I wake up. Any clues to what it may represent? Thanks!




  1. considering that you have been through a lot so you don't scare easy is it possiblel lthat your sub-conscious has held on to some of those memories and nthey are coming thru in your dreams to terrify you some more? it's amazing what the sub-conscious holds onto. it handles a lot but eventually it has to come back in your dreams to make you deal with it. when this happens all the old fears and terrors come back with it. it sounds like the lights could be flashlights. maybe as a young child you got lost and a large group of people were looking for you and all you remember right now in your dreams are the lights and the terror of being lost and alone in the dark. dark holds fear for a lot of people precisly because it hides things in the dark that we can't see or understand,especially for a small child. hahve you asked your parents or older siblings about any of this. i think you should. i don't feel that you need to be afraid of anything at this time. the terror is from something that is long over and can no longer hurt you.


    Go to that site and in the search bar type up feelings, and objects in the dream. It'll show you what they mean.

    Hope it helps a little. :]

  3. The suggests there are some people in your life or has been in your life whom you are very afraid.  It must have been some type of chaotic situation where you felt you had no control.  If as you say you have been through a lot, the dreams are likely your unconscious attempting to work through some of these things.

    I hope you have not been abused but if these dreams become worse you might want to talk to a professional counselor about them.

  4. Since it scares you, it weighs on your mind to where you think of it alot, and eventually keep dreaming of it !!

  5. I think the point of this dream is, that although they are coming toward you they are not necessarily coming AT you. I think you have taken a lot that has happened to you in your life personally and understandably so in a way, although it wasn't about you. It was other people's stuff. I would say it is time to give yourself a break and admit to the world you are hman not superhuman and you have feelings and needs like everyone else.  it is hard to show our vulnerable side lest we get hurt again, but there comes a time when we have to take that risk, for without risk, we have nothing. We cannot move forward, we are forever stuck in our painful past. I think someone is around who can help you to overcome your fears, let them in, you will be glad you did, when you overcome the initial fear.

  6. OK we know you don't get scared easily. That is right, not even in Halloween nights; guys you have to believe her. OK

    Anyway, this dream signifies someone trying to give you advices and tell you about things you are doing wrong but the problem is my..... brave friend that you are ignoring those people and you feel you don't need their advices. I mean we all go through that period of life. I mean I am now 20 but when I was 18, I was not listening to people tell me the right things to do. I always believed I was right. But now I feel different and advices mean a lot to me. So you know relax, chill out and give people a chance when they tell you do this..... or don't do that ......because most of the times, it is in your interest to listen more than it is to the person telling the advices.  

  7. You feel that life is chaotic, that you are different from others and you don't always fit in. You have a sense of impending expectations that others seem to have for you... but you can't seem to get a handle on  exactly what those expectations are.

    Try to read the above statement slow and think about it.

    Hope it helps

  8. My dream book says that light is the symbol for conciousness, intellect, reason, clarity, hope, and joy. But it also says that light may be negative if in the dream it is blinding, bright, or dying light.. Before I looked in my book though I thought maybe the lights (since they were random) were cameras flashing or something..

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