
Does anyone have any evidence on man being responsible for climate change?

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Climate change has been with us since the world began. Apart from the Micky Mouse science that politicians use to make us feel good at being taxed more to prevent it, what evidence is there that we are responsible?




  1. We deforest huge areas, which become desert due to lack of foliage to hold the top soil down, this creates pollution in the way of airbourne particles, affecting the larger areas in the immediate area and also air quality 1000's of kms away.

    In a way, on a micro scale, that would affect the local environment, but surely all the particles will have a knock on effect, maybe not total proof of our effect but it would definately speed up the rate of change depending on whether we are coming out of our entering a new ice age.

    But I definitely think the govts. are on a winner, just use spin, bump up taxes, oh yeah and pay themselves more.

  2. Its all lies and spin, think about it the climate is always changing NATURALLY.   Was there not TWO ice ages before humans ever walked the planet, has huge landscapes and civilisations  not been lost to the sea?

    Global warming and climate change is a money making project, don't buy into it.  The earth will take care of itself and be around long after we are gone.  Its ignorant and full of self importance bull s*** to think that we are in control.  Its the poor who are encouraged to make changes not the rich.  I have to be concerned with spraying a little deodorant and drive cars with small engines and buy into this recycling rubbish!  Yet wan**** like John Travolta (who owns three passenger jets and an airport at his house) can fly around the country in his private jets and give talks on the ENVIRONMENT for f*** sake lets wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. The scientific evidence is overwhelming....there has been change before, but never in recorded history at this pace.    Either way it makes sense to act responsibly.   What sort of science do you specialise in?

  4. There is no evidence whatsoever that Man is responsible for Climate change and all those who believe its true must have their heads in the sands.

    If this is the case how come the world is still around after all the bombings throughout the last two world wars and all the pollution from industry not to mention the explosions that happen every day,along with Nuclear bomb testing which happens on a regular basis.

    Scientists are paid salaries and they use anything and,everything to ensure they receive their high wages just the same as everyone else,I personally do not believe a word of it.

    This is deception to make us all pay more,in any way the government decides whatever country you live in.As someone pointed out its more about tax nothing else.

    I further do not think it is something that is possible to measure after all,how the h**l do you measure something that size?

    This is nothing more than another "Stealth Tax" and we all fall for it all the time.

  5. that is a very good question? i don't think any body has,but it is a good way to tax people,there is a hole in the ozone layer,but it might have been there for centuries,because years ago we did not have the technology to measure it or even know it was there

  6. well..just about every reputable scientist in the world agrees that climate change is here..and mostly caused by human IS a natural cycle as well...but we have speeded it up greatly by the huge amounts of pollutants ejected into the IS a closed system you know.....there IS no more oxygen in outer space to draw is all made here...and we are destroying the enviroment that makes it

  7. There is plenty of evidence, but if you want to study the evidence it cannot be meaningfully summarized into a single answer on YA or a 5 second sound bite. Conclusions about an issue like this should not be based on a single study or a single fact. So if you want to read the evidence, see the links below and follow-up by reading the sources they cite.

    And of course it is common knowledge that the climate has changed radically over time in the past. But that fact tells you nothing about the cause of the relatively rapid changes going on now.

  8. Were have you been for the last few years asleep , Just a small example , our forefathers for hundreds of thousands of years used river water every day of there lives with no ill effect (prove we are here ) Try doing that today and see how long you survive.

  9. Women and their hairdryers...I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!!

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