
Does anyone have any exclusive or lava lamps that they are willing to trade on webkinz?

by  |  earlier

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i have NO exclusives or lava lamps!

does ANYONE have any to trade woth me?

i have bunches of super-cool stuff......

just no exclusives or lava lamps.

my name is nann13.......

plz plz!




  1. I have a green lava lamp....but it depends on what u are trading me... Lol email me at and tell me what u r willing 2 trade.

  2. oh that sucks. I had about 11 lava lamps and about 50 exclusives.  I had 14 pets. But now I have a seperate account with a Black lab named Skittles.

      But one day, someone said that they could get me kinzcash, and I told her my password. She said she had a program that needs your secret code for the kinzcash to download. But then she changed my password and spent all my kinzcash on apples, and bananas, and couches, and she sent stuff to her own account each day, she changed my password, she sold all my exclusives, she hacked me!!!!!!!

    If you would like my account, just email me and I'll tell you the username and secret code.  But keep using the secret code , because everytime you log on, the password will be changed by the hacker.  


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