
Does anyone have any good,interesting real ghost stories?

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does anyone have any good personal experience or have heard any ghost stories?

i would love to hear them-they are so interesting-they have to be REAL!!and please be serious and not make something up

don't bother saying ghosts aren't real cause i know they are for a fact and nothing you say can change that

in your answer please write-

your story

who it happened to

anything else




  1. Ghosts talk to me.  I can't explain it, cause I don't hear it, but the words are in my head.  For the most part they only tell me their name.  everyone thought I was crazy till this awesome thing happened one night.  A bunch of friends and I were at this restaurant that was in a building that has been around since the 1800's.  It has been many things including a stage coach stop, a bar, and I think a brothel.  Anyhow the owner was starting to tell stories about the ghosts there and I started hearing names.  I would tell him the name I heard and he would start pulling out literature about these people.  I was spot on, first and last names.  Now I'm also kinda psychic too, like maybe I was reading his mind, but then i saw one in my head and explained it to him and he pulled out a was the same man.  Also a bunch of weird stuff happened while we were there like plants falling on the floor but making NO noise.  Weird.  And when we left at closing he let me be in there for a minute with the lights off...I couldn't breathe...literally.

  2. True Story:

    Whe I was 5 years old. I lived in Daly City, California with my grandparents. My room was the first one in the hall , my grandmas was at the end.

    I slpet with the door open and so did she. One night I was awake and I saw a tall lady dressed in all black. She was so tall she reached the door at the top. Her hair was black also and covered her face.

    She glided in my room. I was so scared I couldn't move or scream. She went towards my barbies grabbed the brush that was right there and bruched my barbies hair. I clearly heard the hair being brushed. I was scared too look at her taht i stayed i think i fainted from being so scared.

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