
Does anyone have any good class president slogans?

by  |  earlier

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My name is Whitney, and I am running for my Sophomore Class President. I need some good slogans, that aren't corney, for my posters, and any other good ideas you have as far as campaigning goes :) thanks.




  1. "I inhaled."

    Post it w/a big smiley face background :-D.

  2. Ok, some are cheesy, but i'll give you a bunch to choose from!

    For success, choose the best. Vote [Name].

    [Name] stands for Excellence.

    Choose [Name], Get Action.

    Making the world better since [birth year]. [Name]

    Got [Name]?

    Improve your school: pick [Name] for [position]

    Get fresh ideas from a freshman: [Name].

    Let me serve you. Vote [Name].

    Everyone says, [Name] for Prez.

    [Name]. Born to lead.

    Vote for fresh blood on student council: Vote [Name].

    You can count on [Name].

    Vote [Name] for Change.

    Gotta Lotta Student Council. Get [Name].

    A vote works wonders. Vote for [Name].

    The right government at the right time.

    Thank [Name] it’s Friday.

    [Name] for reform. [Name] for action.

    Get energy. Get [Name].

    [Name] – the coolest action.

    Action born and bred.

    Quality in government.

    Solutions for student council.

    A student for solutions.

    Give this school a change.

    Change your underwear, change your school.

    Pardon me, can you spare a vote?

    The president kids go for.

    Make someone happy. Vote [Name].

    I give good government.

    You always have time for government.

    Make it better!

    Did you vote?

    Vote better – Vote [Name]!

    World’s best student body president.

    Straight talk from [Name].

    Catalyst for change.

    It’s up to you!

    Vote for a change.

    Choose a leader for a change.

    We can do it!

    Two, four, six, eight! Vote for [Name], don’t be late.

    A vote for [Name] is a vote for you!

    I’m not your father’s president.

    We want you! Vote for [Name].

    Improve your school with [Name].

    Just do it. Vote for [Name}.

    [Name] does a student body good.

    Choose [Name] for change.

    A vote for [Name] is a vote for the better.

    No nonsense with [Name].

    Because life is too short to have bad student government.

    [Name]: Because you’re worth it.

    [Name]: He’s great!

    Always [Name].

    Open your mind. Improve your school.

    Don’t rock the boat. Vote for incumbent [Name].

    He’s not popular and he’s not handsome, so he has time for student government: [Name].

    You’ve never had it this good!

    Students unite.

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