
Does anyone have any good colleges England?

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I want to go to University in England, but I need one in the Western Yorkshire area, you know, where Bradford and Leeds are? Any details about the college would be great!




  1. They're all good depending on what you want. You can't just go, you need to pick something to study first. How about Bradford and Leeds universities..?

  2. Hi, I live in West Yorkshire and the closest universities, as you said, are Bradford uni and Leeds uni. Bradford uni is a mediocre university, but it depends on what you want to do. Check out the courses available and see if the ones you want to do are available. Although I live in Bradford, I would say Leeds university is better.

    Also, even though it's not in Yorkshire, Manchester uni and Man Met (which are quite close to Leeds/Bfd) have a variety of courses on offer.

    The best option for you would be to look around and find one that suits you and what you want to do. Good luck choosing! (:

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