
Does anyone have any good ideas for a school fundraiser?

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Im in the 8th grade yearbook staff, nd we need funds because our Yearbooks are real expensive! and we need the extra cash to go to yearbook events nd stuff.Does anyone have any good ideas for fundraisers?Anything besides the usual carwash and bakesale...please! well thanx all answers are appreciated!




  1. 1. Contact places like Walmart, Chick Fila  and see if they are willing to donate Gift cards and prizes for your club ( they are usually pretty open about doing that for a school.)

    2. Talk to your principle and see if he/she is willing to let you use a few days of lunch hours to set up events.

    3. Have games that cost two to three dollars to play like: balloon darts. Get a normal board and blow up several black balloons. In one balloon, place a small piece of paper that says “gift certificate” or something. The person who picks that balloon to pop wins the donated prize (s). Sell candy bars. If you can get a parent to go to Cost Co, and pick up the large boxes of candy bars, this is the best way to go. ( you have to spend money to make money). Sell them for a dollar each and you will make a fast profit as one box of candy at Cost Co usually costs eight dollars and have at least 50 of them. It will cost you 16 cents a candy bar per box so if you get 10 boxes and have 500 candy bars you spend 80 dollars. At 1 dollar per candy bar it is 500 dollars with a profit of 420 dollars. Check and see if Cost Co will donate them.

    4. Car washes and bake sales are a good way to get money to buy the needed items for the mini fair  you can set up.

  2. you could all get together and have a huge yard sale.  Tell all the parents to clean out their closets.  You could raffle something off.  That's about all I know if you don't won't a care wash or a bake sale.

  3. Have an Auction during a lunch period or after school. Get parents to donate items or $ to buy items then have people bid and pay for the items at an auction.

    Have a cupcake decorating/baking contest. It's 5.00 to enter, you get a number when you pay. You bring your best cupcake to the principal's office on a specified day with your # and he/she will judge the cupcakes as BEST OF SHOW and BEST TASTING. Then you only need 2 prizes and pictures of the cupcakes can go in the yearbook!  

  4. How about a carnival?  especially with Halloween around the corner, you can create cut outs for target games, use basketball hoops for games, ring toss and if possible, decorate the gym or a MP room like a haunted house and have the year book staff scare people as they walk through it.  Done correctly, this can be very inexpensive, plus it allows you to sell stuff, like sodas, cookies, candy, etc. Try to get other committees to join in and set up booths as well.

  5. we did a fundraiser for yearbook which was we sold sharpies with our yearbooks and made our own dvd's(a student designed it) and we did a bakesale and charged people money to have an individual/picture with their friends on some blank pages...

  6. dump the teacher where you throw cake ,,,, get out of jail card where you buy it and use to bail detention.

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