
Does anyone have any good ideas for a still life (painting)?

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I don't want to do the typical bowl of fruit, but I don't want all of the objects to revolve around a specific theme. Any good suggestions?

I'll give 10 points to the best idea :]

Thanks people!




  1. I don't paint alot of still life but when i decided to put one together, I looked around the house and saw these really old beer trays my wife was given and decided to incorporate them into a still life painting. These can be checked out at under artist name GUERRO1. Look around, i'm sure there's all kinds of stuff. Maybe there's something that has sentimental value to you or someone you know that would work great in a painting.

  2. I like to draw rubbish, quite literally! there is something fascinating about the textures, shapes and colours i find in my kitchen bin - from crushed cans to vegetable peelings, bits of clingfilm, torn up paper......

    It may sound odd (to me its perfectly normal now!) but there is a cohesion to these discarded objects, sometimes i arrange them, other times i just upturn the bin into a random pile and draw this.

    A lot of the appeal for me is the challenge of reproducing the textures and forms, often they are not the same as in objects you usually find in still lives, in one drawing you have  a lot of different materials to portray which is challenging and interesting. :-)

  3. Copy Caravaggio's. Simple.

  4. Everyone has some sort of a 'junk drawer'.

    Pull out a good sized handful of items.  Different textures,  Different type applications.  Everything unique in it's own way.  Then put them in something quite common, such as a platter or jar, or better yet a drawer.

    "The Junk Drawer Accumulations of the World".

  5. how about things that start with your favorite letters or initials.

    for example, if they are GC, get stuff like glasses, gloves, grapes, camera, crayons, cone, etc, etc.

    it's creative, and it has a certain meaning to it.

  6. When choosing subject matter, I look at what's in my life.  My kid's toys, candy, and playthings -  all these things are fun and colorful but not as often done as flowers and fruit.

  7. naked homo- sapiens i think that would be cool!

  8. Glass... From glass cups to glass animals. The best apart of painting glass objects is that you can make it simple or complex. Plus the abstract things seen through glass is amazing...

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