
Does anyone have any good ideas or possibly an encouraging story on how you're coping with the price of gas?

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Boycotting gas stations, riding a bike to work, catching the bus to work, walking to work ... which is best? Which one yeilds the best results?





  1. now supermarkets are open 24hrs I can shop on my way to/from work. I do 12 hr shifts ,reduces the number of times I have to travel to work.Since last October i`ve reduced my mileage by 1200mls over the previous year.

  2. I ride a bike to work. It's fun. I Pay nothing for gas. get my exercise.  Help the environment.

    Boycotting gas stations don't work unless you boycott for the rest of your life. Gas stations have no control over the price of gas. Oil companies have little if nothing to do with the price of oil. Oil is global. It is traded on a global market based on supply vs demand. Demand goes up world wide everyday. It never goes down.

    We have to find a way to do without oil!

  3. Really all you can do is drive less and smarter, fully maintain your vehicle and inflate your tires. They make a difference.

  4. Cars are just the product of industrial countries.  Can speed 40+ miles per hour by wind surf shortcut boards with small wheels, or by 52-square-feet-sail tricycle.  Oil wells are running empty around 2042, price will go up unlimited without alternative bio-fuel.  Car is a bait, oil is a trap for China, India and others.

    $7 Slick 50 for old car over 100K miles can save 15% gas and

    $1 fuel injector cleaner fluid can saves another 5% or

    Eco systems can save 15-25%.

    good air tires are another 10%.

    walk, bike 2 days a week saves 25%

  5. I ride a bike to work. No gas, no insurance, no gym membership needed.

    I will be waiting for you all in the bike lane.

    I'm no snob, though - I understand that we need to do a better job in the USA in providing these opportunities for everyone. I ride 16 miles a day - but for many of you - you are 'forced' to live waaaaay out... and the infrastructure to support alternative means sux. I get that. I just wish you all could share this experience...

    Get it? I pay NOTHING... wouldn't that rock. Listen if you live within 10 miles of your work and can look up some safe routes... seriously try it. You don't have to be in great shape either - that will come. It can change your life and fatten your wallet!

    I think biking yeilds the best physical and mental results.  It also saves time vs. catching the bus.

    My ride is about 30 minutes long... if I were to take the bus I'm looking at 45-50 minutes unless the bus is late, the train breaks down or there's a gang brawl...

    Driving could take as little as 20 minutes, unless there's a major traffic snarl, an accident, a protest... then it could be an hour - maybe more!

    Biking definitely the way to go if you can find a good route you are comfortable with.

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