
Does anyone have any good links/information about hemp?

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I am interested in hearing about how hemp would size up as a biofuel (very well I heard).

I'm also interested in learning about how hemp compairs to cotton on water, and fertilizer needs, as well as how hard, or not hard on the land it is.

How long does it take to bring a hemp crop to harvest?

Anyone know if they are going to legalize the growing of hemp in the U.S.A.?

Again, NOT DRUGS. I'm talking about the hemp that is used to make rope, clothing, fuel, and other practicle uses.




  1. There are many sites on hemp as biofuel.  Many pros and many cons depending on what you read. I think this site looks at all sides and is about as fair as I have seen. I think that hemp has a lot of potential as a biofuel. The area that I am from in Kentucky used to be known as the hemp capital of the world (not drugs but for rope, before synthetic). Will it be legalized again? I have no idea, although they say that the industrial hemp is useless as a drug. Never try to out guess our government, but they may do something smart one of these days.

  2. Hemp Can be fermented,i have made beer with it

    so it can also be distilled for Ethanol

    It recovers tired soil because it makes Nitrogen

    loosens compacted soil with the strong and deep root structure

    Can be used to make building material

    Grows well in all kinds of climates,and many elevations except at sea level.

    Has medicinal value just to name but a few of its merits

    and don forget paper

    BUT,  BUT,   BUT,   BUT,   BUT,   BUT

    THE PROBLEM IS THAT------------------ It  produces just about the best organic fiber there is

    Jeans,sails ,ropes ,bags ,etc used to be made from hemp fiber,before the synthetic material existed.

    Which is why Corporations made it Public enemy no1 when the synthetic industry was launched ,and which is why the reluctance to make it legal continues and will continue.

    There have been countless campaigns with trials ,Analise's favorable reports from scientists and all have been doggedly ignored by the presidents ,

    One can only assume because of Family business interests

    and these have been the same for all presidents since they are all related .

    But before you get exited ,the good stuff to smoke is another variety of cannabis.

    Hemp has no drug value at all ,

    It is mostly stalks and has only  a couple of heads

    In Holland they are growing it for the fiber

    and you can find a lot of info on the net

    just browse for hemp

    In Europe about 4 to 5 months if you want maximum growth and have it drying on the field

    ,faster in countries with a stronger sun or if you want to harvest green

    But you can leave it and it can become enormous in the sub tropics,in Africa they call it the Dagga tree


    They will never legalize it again in the USA,

    it used to be a corporate industry on a very big scale in the USA as well as in Mexico,

    They do not want a competitor of synthetics with a superior organic material

    oops you changed the text as i was writing sorry if i said things you dont want to hear

  3. Hemp is the strongest vegetable fiber on the planet. Hemp is a highly evolved plant species and is not genetically engineered. Hemp is heat, mildew, pest, light, and rot resistant. Hemp's long, smooth, hollow fibers make hemp very strong, durable and mold and mildew resistant.

    More Info on Hemp -

    Hemp Uses -

    Hemp Legal Implications -


  4. hooray for hemp the wonder crop!

    no wonder dupont wanted to nobble it, its good for so many things from paper to biofuel.

    lots of links in these links.


    'how hemp compairs to cotton on water, and fertilizer needs, as well as how hard, or not hard on the land it is.'

    needs hardly any extra water over rainfall once established, its drought hardy , with a long tap root.

    needs quite fertile soil for lush growth although can get by on very poor soils and still give a crop, especially if its the fibre you want.

    it is a gross feeder, would be best rotated with beans or similar nitrogen fixing crop.

    How long does it take to bring a hemp crop to harvest?'

    3-4 months.

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