
Does anyone have any good pencil drawings for a begginer? I really like doing it just not the best at it.?

by Guest59100  |  earlier

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These are the ones ive already drawn up.




  1. They carry those kind of books in Book Stop and all major Book stores, sometimes you can find them at the craft store. I love pencil drawings!  These books show strokes you make etc for beginners

    Good Luck!  

  2. i saw your drawings

    i think that even though u r a beginner u should consider using tone

    start with simple tone, like dark shades on one side of the object and gradualli go lighter and loosen your hand as you move to the lighter side of the object

    considere things simmetrical, when u draw a line make it as accurate as you can, and then relate the other lines to that line, u kno, by lookin at the first line that u drew u can determine how long or how curved the line u r about to draw will b

    and don't look for perfection in ur drawings, coz if u do den u will find mIStaKeS. what u draw doesnt have to look like the object that u were drawing it from, it just has to feel like that object  

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