
Does anyone have any green project ideas for a high school?

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I'm a member at our school's Green Club and I'm trying to think of a relativley original idea to help our school go green or other projects that a school would be able to afford. Any suggestions?




  1. Try home made window quilts for seniors, low income persons, cheap and easy to do.

  2. Well, the first idea that comes to mind isn't very original, but you should definitely start recycling. I am sure there is a ton of paper, ink cartridges, bottles, cans, etc. Not just what is being used by the students, but look at the teachers areas & the cafeteria as well.

    My highschool was old, and poorly insulated. Do you have a shop class at your school? Depending on the age/condition of your building and the cirriculum of the shop class, it would be a cool project for students to install energy effecient lighting, better insulation around the windows, etc. This project could be in the works for awhile, but try to find out what the budget is for shop class ~ then talk to local businesses to find the cost of materials, ask about donations, etc. That would be a great project that all students could be involved in. And they would be learning great home improvement skills that they will *always* be able to use ~ unlike a lot of the other stuff learned in high school ;)

    Or, if there is no shop class, look for an aspect of your school that can be updated to a more effecient, green function ~ price the equipment, find someone reliable to oversee the labor, make sure that members of the Green Club (or other kids) actually want to do the labor ~ don't forget to plan a fundraiser. Present the whole thing to the schoolboard. Again, a great way for a lot of students to get involved :)

  3. Does you school have any flat roof areas that you could experiment with "green roof" and evaluate the benefits?

    Look into to www.planktos dot org, or dot com for ideas to grow algae to consume the carbon dioxide humans exhale.

    Know anyone in Cameroon that lives near Mount Cameroon? Start writing letters to them about including Geothermal in their energy portfolio instead of relying only on oil. Chevron recently bought up all of Shell Oil's interest there and Chevron is the world-leader in goethermal.

  4. our school had a can drive and turned off a few of the lights in each room to save energy

  5. Try car pooling?

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