
Does anyone have any idea how to get rid of 3 railroad tanks full of sulfur.?

by  |  earlier

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i have 7 train cars on some property that i am cleaning up, that have been there since the mid 70's. 3 of the tanks have sulfur in them.(full of sulfur) the epa has not been out in a number of years and even then they said it was not a problem. i want the tanks and a safe way to remove the sulfur. any suggestions......




  1. That wouldn't be the strangest thing put up for sale on eBay.

  2. I'm assuming that this stuff was loaded as a liquid and is now a solid.

    Have you tried just selling them?  There is a market for sulfur, even if it's not very big.  If you can't sell the entire cars-full, maybe you can cut it into smaller chunks with jackhammers or water jets or the like and sell it by the truckload.  It'll be even easier if you can heat the stuff up so you can just pour it out (unfortunately this can't be done with steam at atmospheric pressure, because sulfur melts at about 112°C).

    Talked to some farmers about cheap sulfur?

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