
Does anyone have any idea why McCain picked Palin? Because it seems like a dumb choice to me.?

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It could be that he's going for Hillary voters, but since she's anti-abortion that doesn't work. He may be trying to counter Obama's change thing, but why wouldn't hae grab someone with more experiance than Barack rather than a woman who has been a Governer only one month more than Obama's actual run for the presidency?




  1. he's going for Hillary voters and it will fail he lost when he did not disavow bush

  2. You're not alone. There are plenty of others. Fortunately they are outnumbered by the number of voters that don't share your opinion. I'm sure that they realize that there are great number of other factors that weigh in her favour.Time to move on.  

  3. She does have more experience than Obama. She was in city council, a mayor and a govenor of a state. She has proven record of fighting corruption and wasteful spending. The only "experience" Obama has is being a lawyer and being a junior senator who failed to vote on the issues and spent the other half campaigning. She's more qqualifiedto be president than Obama, and she's not even running for President, she's just going to be VP.

    It is a sad pathetic attempt by CNN and other Obama affiliates to wrongfully discredit her. They never pounced on Obama for his lack of experience, plus fishy ties to people a normal person would naturally avoid.  

  4. You just keep on thinking that way!  She has far more experience and has accomplished more things in government than the inexperienced Obama has!  

  5. Who cares what you think!

  6. he is desperate

  7. That could be why you aren't in any position of leadership...

  8. i agree, she wont court many hillary supporters since she is hard core prolife. i dont know where the logic is. I am not against a woman just one with less experience really boggles the mind. She does seem life she is smart and driven.

  9. He wants to balance out the age difference he has with obama. He wants the support of Alaska drilling rights. And she shares the corrupt thoughts that McCain does himself. And one more thing to think about. Obama has little kids and parents will obviously try to relate their issues to him. SO he counters that by choosing Palin because she too has little kids and thinks undecided parents will relate better to a white mother. Now we are finally seeing the thought to be extinguished flame of racism finally burn through and be seen in this election.Its such a shame.

  10. Dumb choice to me to, especially when the Alaska legislature is investigating her as we speak for corruption.

  11. He was short on cash:

  12. I have no idea when I saw her speaking this morning I got really happy because now I know for a fact that Obama will win.

  13. Oh I know why!!!!!!!!!!  She is going to win the election for McCain, that's why!

    McCain/Palin 2008

  14. Everyone should care about who is elected for VP, because if something happens to the President, the VP becomes President.

    In my opinion McCain is too old, he might kick the bucket anytime or get Alzheimer. I don,t care about race or gender. I care about the future. Which one,s is gonna help the economy and make peace with our enemies. This country has suffered alot of lost and it is time to heal.

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