
Does anyone have any ideas concerning the man that had his skin turn blue from using silver as a medication?

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  1. I saw the story on TV. I am not sure what you mean by ideas? Are you asking if its permenant?

    Probably not, but it will probably take a long time for it to wear off. My guess would be a few months.

    Either that, or one of his parents was a smurf and he is covering that up with the silver story.

    edit: ah, TR says irreversible and he knows the fancy name for the condition. I would believe him over me if I was you.

  2. "Colloidal silver has *NO* demonstrated value as a medicine"

    bs, I've used colloidal silver and it does work. Your wounds heal a c**p load faster because of the special properties of silver against bacteria etc.. I never drank it like him though, its way too expensive. He must have a colloidal silver maker.

    Anyways, the stuff the FDA listed is a lie because they would rather have you buy placebo pills or pills with side effects. They LOSE money if you get healthy faster. Use some logic please because we don't live in a perfect world where everything is peachy.

  3. His skin turned blue because he silver paricles accumulated in his skin, and became trapped, much like tattoo pigment. The silver particles then oxidized due to the oxygen in his body, giving him a nice blue skin tone.

    It should be noted that metal in most forms is toxic when it accumulates in the human body.

  4. I think it is sad really.  I wonder if he were to stop taking it would his skin color return to normal?  Why on earth wouldn't he stop taking the stuff once he started noticing the blue tint appear?  I am sure it did not just pop up over night!

    I cannot fathom being okay with turning myself blue in order to possibly prevent something from happening to my body, illness wise.

  5. Wow. I haven't heard of anything like that before. I looked at the article... poor guy. I think it was definitely (and obviously) a terrible idea, and hopefully others will learn from his mistake. I do hope he will someday be set free from the condition he's in now.

  6. depends on his condition. should be checked physically and also needs laboratory examination. Blue color on skin can be caused by blood vessel obstruction or chemically colored. so, depends... we need more info..

  7. This is not unheard of. In fact, it's a well known symptom of silver poisoning, called argyria. What happens is that the silver ions complex with proteins in the skin and produce the blue-grayish color. Unfortunately, this is irreversible.

    I was disturbed to read that this fellow is still drinking the colloidal silver, although to a lesser extent. He's starting to look an awful lot like Papa Smurf.

  8. Yeah, he's an idiot for using it in the first place.  Colloidal silver has *NO* demonstrated value as a medicine.  It's popular with the same kind of people who are into crop circles and black helicopter conspiracy theories.

    Other than that - if he wants to be blue (he still takes the c**p) that's his choice to make.  But he's got no business complaining if people point out that he looks like an overgrown smurf.

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