
Does anyone have any ideas for activites to do with children, in a foundation stage setting?

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Im a student working in a setting




  1. I'm not sure if this is ethically allowed, especially in the school systems, but you could read them stories and have little activities prepared with a moral, specifically a virtue.  For example, you could have a story about kindness where the main character goes through some hardships, but still shows kindness to those who are not so kind to him/her.  Then you can practice that virtue with an activity, such as a student volunteering to pass out cookies to the rest of the class.

  2. I am not sure I totally understand your question, but if you email me at then I will answer to the best of my ability.


    Brittany Leigh

  3. sounds behind the stage, such as thunder, or banging on the wall makes sounds , sounds from beyond

  4. Well, yes millions, but what areas of development do you want to cover? What are the children interested in? what level of development are they? What sort of things do they like? You should be basing your ideas on observations of the children, not random strangers! You should also be looking at what they already know and can do, so that you can plan their next steps properly.

    If I'm stuck, however, I take in the biggest box I can find and let them do what they want to do with it. Their ideas are always much more interesting. Listen to them and watch them and you will learn from them what activities they want to do next.

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