
Does anyone have any ideas for community service for 13 year old girls?

by Guest11022  |  earlier

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my cousin needs to have 20 hours of community service by the end of the summer. Please Help!!!




  1. Call the local school and ask for the special needs teacher.  Most communities have get togethers like Special Olympics who just need someone to cheer for them and give hugs.  Easy work and the special needs kids love it.  If any Special Olympians are training, you can go to their training sessions and cheer too.

  2. I'm 14 and I volunteer at the hospital. And at Bible school and I'm an alter server. There's plenty of things you could do. Check if there's a Humane Society near your town or maybe a senior citizen home.

  3. Volunteer at a local No Kill Animal Shelter.

  4. How about volunteering at your local SPCA? It's great if you have pets or want to work around animals.

  5. Volunteer at nursing homes! They love all the help they can get!  Plus its good for the girls to realize that the elderly are people and how to treat people with respect.

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