
Does anyone have any ideas for funny awards for Girl Scout parents?

by  |  earlier

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We want to do certificates for our parents but we want them to be funny. We have one already. It's the "Most scared of getting sweaty award", but we need more. Any suggestions???




  1. That is hard to answer without knowing the parents and their personalities. Its a fine line between funny and offensive sometimes.

  2. insect repellent queen award!

  3. girl scouts was tortureeee!!!!!!!

  4. Most cookies . .  .eaten

  5. There's are aawards you make yourself.  Get a small piece of wood for most of them and the appropriate item to go on it.

    Order of the Lost Marble-So You'll Never Loose All Your Marbles; The Tape Award-For Sticking Around; The Bottle Opener Award-Caps Off to You; Thanks a Million (Ten 100,000 Grand Candy Bars; The Deck of Cards Award-Since You Don't play With a Full Deck; The Insect Repellent Award-since Nothing Bugs You;  Or you  can come up with your own.  Small Travel size items, stickers, party favors work great on the awards.

  6. The cookie crumb award for the parent who helped the most with cookie sales this year OR who ate the most cookies

    SWAP certificate for someone who always got their dates mixed up for scout stuff

    "Most bugged" for the mom who was most bug repellent happy about keeping bugs away on a campout ( or whoever was most scared of bugs)

    Burnt Offerings certificate- for whoever burned the  most marshmallows on a camp out making smores

    "Late comer award"- whoever was late the most during the year for meetings

    "Early Bird"- whoever was always early for everything

    "Money Bags" - for troop secretary/treasurer that helped out and was good with money for the troop

    You could also recognize parents for things like:

    * being so generous with donated resources for the troop

    * all those that helped volunteer for things during the year like carpooling, meetings help, events, etc...

    * those that were snack moms that were willing to help out

    * "Dad Scouts"- to recognize dad's that may have helped out during the year with the troop to acknowledge their contributions

  7. Always late.

    Always un-prepared

    Worst snacks

    Best snacks

    Always having to go to the bathroom


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