
Does anyone have any ideas for my moms birthday. quick and easy. she will be home in about 15 minutes??

by Guest60725  |  earlier

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please any ideas to celebrate birthday!?!!?!




  1. Take a walk with her and talk- if it's a nice day. Just give her a big hug and say you want to spend some time with her.

  2. lol left it a bit l8 didnt yhuu hun. hehe. make her a big card and fill it with lodz of sequins (duno how u spell it) and glitter so when she opens it, it goes everywhere or make a bday banner.

    ox gd luk in ya 15 mins

  3. A great big bear hug and a promise to make supper and do the dishes tonight.

  4. wow way to plan ahead genius.

  5. special card. one you drew. and maybe write her a poem. moms love that

  6. How nice of you to put so much thought into it!

  7. tell her that you will cook dinner and clean up so she doesn't have to do anything when she comes home.

  8. i did this for my mom and she thought it was so cute. take a piece of construction paper. then open up a box of macaroni and cheese. take the noodles from the box and paste them onto the paper in the shape of a smiley face. she will think its cute n remind her of wen u were younger.

  9. Well 15 min doesnt give you time to decorate or anything...   Tell her you are going out to eat for dinner and your buying?

  10. hide in a closet and don't come out!!!

  11. quick?!?! geez!

    take some cookies and put them on a plate and light some candles.. if you don't have bday candles, light a big candle and when she walks in, sing happy bday to you..

    girlfriend, you had a year to plan something.. hope you do better next year.. or at least give us half hour notice!

    wish your mom a happy bday from all of us at yahoo answers!

  12. Well, send her a nice e-card. Have her be "queen for the day". You do all the dishes, laundry etc, so she can relax and watch tv or maybe take a hot bubble bath?Ask if she'd like some tea or coffee.

    Cook her something for dinner? If you have another adult(Dad) that could suggest going out for dinner? Write her a nice letter or poem, telling her how much you appreciate her and all she does for you. Just make her feel loved and special, however you can.

  13. make her a big card with her age on it that says i love you!

    and happy bday

  14. go out to wal-mart or target and load her up with her favorite food/candy and wrap it up in a huge box

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