
Does anyone have any ideas how to propose to someone who is a huge george strait fan?

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I want to propose to the love of my life we have been dating for almost two years now and she is amazing she is a serious george strait fan

and loves his work does anyone have any ideas?




  1. You could always use the song "Check Yes or No" as your inspiration.

    Make a huge poster board sign with boxes for "Yes" and "No." Give her a copy of the CD if she doesn't have it, but bet she does. In fact, I think she would know exactly what you're talking about if you asked her to marry you and told her to "check yes or no."  (Don't forget the pen)

    If she likes Precious Moments figurines, you get extra points for buying one that is out of production and is on the secondary market now. But you can still find some new ones in stores. It's a guy on his knee with a small sign asking the girl to "check yes or no".  It's something any George Strait fan who loves Precious Moments would love. Even many female fans who don't love Precious Moments would love it.

  2. Proposing to "I Cross My Heart" would be very romantic, if not a little cliche'.

    I really like what another poster suggested with the "Check Yes or No" idea. It's very original for a proposal.

    Good luck!

  3. Find out where he's playing. Get tickets, even if you have to fly out. If possible, get in touch with the event manager or the arena or venue and ask if it's possible for them to get you on camera *I've seen this at baseball games). Even if all you can do is to get really good seats and ask her to marry you during her favorite song, go to a concert and enjoy!

  4. Me and my husband's song has always been Me and You by Kenny Chesney.  So when he got down on one knee, he had that song playing in the background.  We then used that song as our first dance song.  That song now brings back so many happy memories.  Find a great George Strait song and play it during the big question!

  5. Propose to "I cross my heart". It's sweet and I think she'll love it.

    How about "Carrying your love with me"?

    or "A Fire I can't put out"

  6. Don't involve George Strait in your proposal!  Don't make it tacky.  

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