
Does anyone have any ideas on a nice resturant in citycenter (dont like chinesefood ) can do japanese though.?

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IN MANCHESTER.................




  1. try knap knap knop knop. it is the best japanese i have ever tasted. It is even better tahn any japanese restaurant in japan. I love japanese food. i love the way it crumbles into mumbles. Sheip shoip Kanr tallot.

  2. Silly s*d: How the h**l are we supposed to answer this without being able to determine which city centre you are referring to.

  3. mackies :P:P

  4. tampopo its situated at 16 albert square...its japanese with pan-asian options a bit like wagamama if you heard of them down in london

  5. Which city?  Are you in London?  If so, there a few branches of Thai Square-if you like Thai food.  I work close to one in Cannon street.

    Around the corner in Watling Street (just off Bow Lane), there's a Japanese restuarant. I forgot the name tho.

    Have you tried Wagamamma's?  They are really good as well and they are all over.  I've been to the one in Wardour Street.

  6. `ave  u  tried  chinatown  in  mcr?

  7. Rovers Return, Weatherfield.

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