
Does anyone have any ideas to help.....?

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A friend of my is a compulsive liar.. it's not only hurt his home life, relationships.. and friendships. I'm the only friend he has left and he doesn't even see it. What could I do to help him.. I don't want to give up on him he really is a good kid, just needs to grow up. I am almost to the point of not giving a d**n anymore. A year ago he tried to kill himself so I guess I'm really only his friend out of sympathy now.. I'm not sure I just want to open his eyes to everything.




  1. I have two people in my life like this. In fact because of their problems I have custody of their Grandchild/child - this is a father and daughter I am referring to. They have to want to help themselves. Until they hit rock bottom, until they lose all that is important to them, their world crumbles around them they keep on doing what they are doing, They do not see the problem. They lie so much to others they begin to believe their own lies. Some finally come to the realization that therapy is the way to go, many do not. Just be sure this person's ways do not hurt you or cause you to have problems in your life.

  2. Don't waste your time on this "friend"  friends don't lie to friends.  A liar is a liar is a liar.  Choose your friends wisely.  

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