
Does anyone have any info on Albert William Brown & Florence Sudie Sneed Brown of Decatur TN. My family I knew

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My Dad is Wiley Wilbur Brown and this is his Mom and Dad. They died before I was born and I know nothing about my Grandparents on my Dad's side.




  1. If you had an exact death date for either one, you could try for an obituary either

    1) At the library yourself

    2) Writing to the library with a small donation

    3) Posting a request on a real genealogy board for the county Decatur is in.

    Write to me via my profile if any of those appeal to you and you need advice.

    The obit would possibly tell you where they worked, what organizations they belonged to and what church they attended. Depending on how old you are now and how long before you were born they died, there might be old people at that (company, club, church) who knew them.


    Added later:

    Whoops! Not many people living today are going to remember them.

    Sudie is a widow in 1930 in Meigs CO. Tenn:

    Sudie F Brown, 37  head

    Garrett D Brown, 14  son

    Hubert M Brown, 10  son

    Wilie W Brown, 9  son

    Myrtle E Brown, 5  dau


    1920: (Meigs Co. again)

    Elbert Brown 46  

    Sudie Brown 28  

    Lucious Brown 16  

    Samuel Brown 14  

    Maggie Brown 11  

    Allen Brown 9  

    Bessie Brown 6  

    Garrett Brown 3 9/12  

    Hubert Brown 1 7/12  

    The age patterns strongly suggest Lucius at least is Albert's son by a first wife, and Sudie is his second wife. There is sometimes a 5-year gap in kids with a second wife. I don't see one here. Which children are Sudie's and which are from wife #1 is anyone's guess. If Sudie's age is off by a year or two, she could be the mother of all of them. On the other hand, she and Elbert could have married the day before the enumerator knocked on the door.

    I can't find them in 1910.


    I'm on dial-up, so I'm not looking at the images themselves, just the index. If you go to a Family History Center in a LDS church, they will let you look at the images. the images in turn will tell you what "Elbert" did for a living, if he had a radio, what street he lived on, how much he paid for rent and who his neighbors were.

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