
Does anyone have any information about job interviews for fast food resturants and what should I wear anything

by  |  earlier

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Any information about anything at all will help his is my first job interview and so please help interview tomorrow monday..




  1. I think you should just be yourself. A fast food place isn't a major career move so there's no need to be nervous with the interview process. As long as you're articulate and confident, you should be fine. They are more interested in your work ethic, how well you take directions and your ability to work under pressure. For example- the infamous "lunch rush"

    As far as what to wear- think I pressed button-down shirt with neat pants or khakis would work. No need to break out a suit- and it's probably better to not wear a skirt.

  2. Clean, neat clothes are a good start

  3. REMAIN CALM! it is a fast food restaurant for cryin out loud. geezus! just wear the hoochiest outfit you have. that will be your best bet to impress the pervert-manager. let the b***s hang and the butt show and you will be sure to get the job. GOOD LUCK HONEY!

  4. Be yourself and wear nothing

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