
Does anyone have any information about the storm in Salou Spain on 12th of July 2008?

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Does anyone have any information about the storm in Salou Spain on 12th of July 2008?




  1. Get the local newspaper website and read about it. Try Costa Brava News to see if they have a paper for the north.  I have three in the Costa Blanca and there must be some for Costa Brava.  Good luck.

  2. i do...and i consider it to be quite a good answer seen as i was in the middle of it!

    we stayed in the h10 mediterainian hotel in the costa derada or sumat, within 10 minutes of grey clouds being spotted probly about 20 miles away from us(random gess) it was right over the top of our hotel, there were at least 8 lightning bolts within a mile of our balcony(facing the pyrinees) the rain was so thick you coulndt see past the end of our balcony and we had to stay inside because there was hail stones the size of golf balls coming in and hitting our window..VERY SCARY!! and ma mum got cloncked on the head by one of em haha, shes allright though. erm yeah the facts...lasted about an hour was proper dark and proper scary haha, oh and there was an hour gap then it started raining again, next morning clear blue skys not a cloud in site. 12/7/2008 at about 6 ish(the time maybe wrong thats a tactical gess)

  3. If you are going to look up local newspapers - look for Costa Dorada News as Salou is Costa Dorada not Brava.

    Write up from somebody who was caught in the storm:

    Video of storm on YouTube:

  4. Hi, some first-hand info:

    I live only 12 km from Salou and I'm afraid Saturday's storm had the same consequences as usual: Salou simply gets flooded EVERY time it rains, and it poured last Saturday. Fortunately (or unfortunately draugh-wise), it doesn't rain often in the area.

    The storm had a tragic aftermath in Tarragona: there was a huge fire in a chemical factory and a worker died on Sunday while having a look at the damages.


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