
Does anyone have any information on how Iraqis can leave Iraq and go to the US?

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My friend is an Iraqi and he is working for the US in Iraq... how can he obtain a visa to the US?




  1. (S)He needs a special visa if he wants to stay and not just visit. A work visa, a student visa, etc.

    But (s)he could also enter the USA as a refugee if (s)he's being persecuted and his life is in danger.

    It all depends on his situation there. (S)He better contact the US Embassy and explain the reason why (s)he wants to go to the USA.

  2. Popsicles

  3. if he is already working for the US? he needs to check within the co. to see if there are other job offers in the US ; this is the only way i can see,

    otherwise to get a job in the US : via Internet, trough his qualifications or specialties.(references)

    find a job, first, and then go to the process of work visa with the employer .

  4. why the h**l would we want you in our country anyways

  5. Get a job in or for the US.

  6. I hope he doesn't .... No offense but the last thing we need is someone whom has been raised thinking that killing others is a good way to solve problems or even a religious calling in the US .... What the h**l dude , think of your fellow citizens Guido lips..

  7. Saosin, maybe you should know something before you say anything.  You arent very smart and you cant even back up what you are saying.  we stopped genocide, but i guess that isnt good enough for you.  oh well, no one cares about your opinion

  8. who cares anymore? bush ruined evrythin there 4 wat? OIL!!!! we don't need oil that bad that bush has 2 destroy  an innocent country with innocent people. can't wait till OBAMA wins that thang next year. he better if he doesnt ......... lets hope NOT!!!

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