
Does anyone have any information on how to adopt domestically?

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Does anyone have any information on how to adopt domestically?




  1. My daughter joined our family this past month through domestic adoption.  My suggestion to you is to contact a reputable agency in your area. They will walk you through every step of the process. In the meantime, start doing research by reading books or on line.  Search "home study" so that you will see what is required in your state.  Start talking about adoption. You will be amazed how many of your acquaintances have adoption stories that you may not even know about. Join a support group.  Read, read read! You have a world of info to learn. Most of all, be patient! It's not an over night process, it takes time, but the right child will come to you.

  2. contact your local department of human services.  There are plenty of children waiting for adoptive parents.

  3. Contact your local health and human services...that's what we did!

  4. I have a friend who is from Flordia and she tells me that a lot of local churches down there take in abandoned babies then put them up for adoption (she said the cost of the adoption is on a pay scale). I wish I had more info than that, but she made it sound like it was really easy and fast to maybe start looking into flordia.

  5. We adopted domestically.  For us, it was a unique situation, but we found a biological family through a mutual contact who knew we were wanting to start a family.  At first, we attempted to do a private adoption, but because Children's Services in NJ were involved with removing the child from the bio-parents and placing him in kinship care with his bio-grandparents, the attorney suggested that we do an identified adoption thru an agency.  This actually turned out to be a blessing for us because of our son's special needs, but it did become a bit more expensive than we thought a private adoption would be.

    You could try to locate a bio-family on your own and then proceed with an attorney to file the paperwork, however, you will still need to do many things thru an agency at some point - such as home study, etc.  

    You could also contact an adoption agency who specializes in domestic adoption.  We used Adoptions From the Heart ( for our adoption.  

    And as many other people mentioned, you can also call your state Foster Care program and see if you could find out more info from them.  

    Good luck to you.

  6. call social services or find an adoption agency. They usually offer seminars on exactly how to go about it and where to start.

  7. i am a foster mom oh my golly we r grestful 4 folks like u yes theres plenty a huge bookful just waiting go fo it bless u

  8. It depends on whether you are interested in adopting through the foster care system or whether you wish to adopt a newborn infant.   If you're willing to accept an older child (or perhaps an infant with special needs, or mixed race), you can contact the Department of Children and Families in your state, and they'll be able to point you in the right direction.   This type of adoption is relatively inexpensive, and quicker than other methods.  But if your heart is set on a newborn, you will need to find an agency that handles domestic infant adoptions.  This process can take months, or even years, because a birth mother has to select you as an adoptive parent.  It is also extremely costly.  Family and Children's Agency in Norwalk, CT is an agency that handles this type of adoption.  Their fee when the infant is placed with you is $23,000.

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