
Does anyone have any information on paranormal activity, specifically psychic energy?

by  |  earlier

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i really dont even know what to call the thing im looking for information about but im looking for information about spiritual energy or psychic a force field or wall of somesort. i know i sound nuts but i believe i walked into one in my home. im not a huge believer in hauntings or possession, but i do believe in spirits. last week i was in my kitchen and i became almost was crazy....i was walking through my kitchen and when i went to turn i felt this weird like vibe rush through me and i couldn't continue walking. it wasn't painful or anything but it was the strongest and weirdest feeling i've ever had. i literally stopped dead in my tracks. i probably sound like i should up my meds or something but it was such a wacked out feeling that im positive it's some sort of paranormal activity.




  1. there is noooooooo such thing.

  2. I've known people to set up shields like this. I was approaching a minister at a service and something stopped me. I didn't try to go any further.I thought it was just weird..and kind of fascinating.

  3. Psychic sheilds are placed up after prayers are said for protection or when your soul wills you, your loved ones, or your home protected. Perhaps you did and the sheild went up. Not many people sense them..

  4. If you are one daily medications then you should consult your doctor before anything else.

  5. How can you be positive it's paranormal?  Have you eliminated all possible natural explanations?  I doubt it.  As such, you can't be positive of anything, other than the fact that you had a personal, subjective experience that was out of the ordinary.

  6. Some people call it a Vortex of psychic energy

  7. Dear Kelly,

    I feel by browising through following website will help you find your answer....

    Also you can view video at the below link.... about 'Live an aware life'....


    Hope this will help you to find out the reasons of your experience....

    With warm regards,


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