
Does anyone have any karate tips or info about it?

by Guest10960  |  earlier

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Does anyone have any karate tips or info about it?




  1. It depends on what karate you are doing. Sport karate, karate with weapons (kobudo) or kyokushin (full contact no pads) or haven't you started yet? Well if your a beginer concentrate on technique not height and speed and power. Do a lot of flexibility exercises and push ups and sit ups. Make sure you have all the nessasary equpiment (pads,mouthguard, uniform, insurance) and you will be fine.

    For sparring concentrate on moving around more or you will get hit...a lot. just try to see what the opponent is gonna do before he/she does it by looking at there eyes to see where they are looking because that will be where they aim to hit you. Check the opponents stance and try to guess what kick they will be doing.

    Other than that, have fun

    Listen to your instructor and follow along as best you can.

    Good luck

  2. if you take ishin ru (sp?) karate the katas are:

    White belt: Seisan

    Yellow belt: Seuchin

    Orange belt: Nahachi

    Green Belt: Wansu

    Brown belt: Suwansu

  3. If you are just starting, put all of your focus on mechanics / precision.

    First learn how to make a move CORRECTLY!

    Once you have mastered the move, you can work on speed and fluidity.

    That's why I like Taiji. It's all about precision. Once you can do a move correctly in slow motion, you can do it correctly at whatever speed your mind sets for it's execution.

  4. Try Okinawan!

  5. Like the others said, can you tell us more so we can answer you?

    Have you checked out Wikipedia? They have a lot of good info and links. You can follow your interest from there...

    Please post the style you are interested in (many people think Tae Kwon Do, and any other martial art is "karate" but that just isn't the case...). We cannot help you without more information... sorry.

  6. Could you be more specific--there are a lot of different styles of karate.

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