
Does anyone have any new circumventors to fet around the school blocks?

by  |  earlier

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i need a new circumventor so that i can get around the school blocks




  1. She is looking for a way to circumvent the blocks that her school has put on certain websites, in order to access them anyway.  

    Sorry, I do not know of any.  I find it ironic that this is in the homeschool category-it certainly makes me more confidant in my decision to educate my children, since the school has no more supervision than this over what you are doing on the internet.  

    Quit worrying about the internet, and STUDY!

  2. whats a circumventor???? haha sorry idk

  3. Sorry, we're mostly homeschooling parents around here.  As Braxowl said, I sure am glad, after reading this, that I'm HS'ing my son.  Just want to you do at school all day to have time to be on Y!Answers *and* to try and cheat your school's network security????

    Hmm, maybe I can let my son try this, spend time on Y!Answers and then see if he can hack his dad's security on his pc.  Then I can count it as school hours!  [sarcasm for those who don't get it]

    Try asking in a different category.

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