
Does anyone have any paranormal stories of their own or that they know?

by  |  earlier

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I don't have anything to do, and I really like Paranormal stories, so if you could tell me some, that'd be great.





  1. No.

  2. yes I know many stories about a special thing- changed karmas for entering level of Eternals etc., but this could take pages for  being written- so when I will do it I will send you an examplaire

  3. When I lived in my old house I experienced tons of weird paranormal happenings. The house was 100years old, one of the oldest in the town. It would always feel as though someone was following you wherever you went. Even outside the house in the backyard it would get a little creepy.

    Probably, the weirdest time was when my Mum was asleep and she heard something walk into her room and around her side of the bed. She sat up, thinking it was me, but when she looked there was a tall man in a long coat standing there looking down on her. It freaked her out so bad.

    The scary thing was, about three years later a man came and knocked on our door asking for someone called Brian. We told him no one by that name lived with us. He shrugged it off and was about to leave, but before he did he said "When I was younger I can still remember the old guy who sat out on this front porch in his raincoat. He watched the Horse Carridges go by."

    Arrrgh. Still freaks me out.

  4. my mom was eating a bbq rib and as if was engaved was the letter F. a week later she dropped her phone and again, as if it was engaved a scatch on it like the letter F.

  5. Maybe the original poster said they couldn't view youtube in response to  the 'numbnut' that posted the youtube link?

    fizixx  :-)

    The true paranormal stories on this forum are rarely worth reading regardless of the literacy skills of the writer.

  6. You should repost your question.

    I'm not trying to be nasty.....but.....I've never seen such horrid writing and accounting of events in my life. Some  of these people write as if they can barely put two words together. Whether it's on purpose or not, it makes for awful reading. Almost all of them are almost completely incoherent.


    You're probably right, as it was an additional bit of info, but the rest stands. Correction noted and appreciated.   :)

  7. Yes I love paranormal stuff too! When I was living in San Antonio, Tx.  and I lived with my parents, we lived in this house for a few months. One time in particular that I remember is that I was getting ready to go to school and my brother was getting ready for work. He always left before me and his room was right next to mine so I could usually hear him shuffling around. Well anyways this one time I heard a loud sigh coming from my brothers' room it sounded like someone was laying down and getting comfortable in his bed. I thought that maybe he fell back asleep so I went and knocked on his door to wake him up but got no answer. So I opened the door and there was no one there. Another time my Dad was sitting in the living room, reading the news paper. He heard a noise and started to look up and saw a woman in a long flowing pink dress coming towards him from the direction of the fireplace. When he tried looking at her face she dissapeared.

    My Mom and I saw people dressed in old time clothing one time when we walked into the kitchen.

    We would see lights flashing in the living room, hear babies crying and there were no small children at home. Hear crackling noises like someone rumpling cellophane paper.

    There are many more strange things that happened there, but I'm too lazy to keep typing lol!

  8. 1) My brother's old house was haunted by at least two spirits.

    an old man and old woman...He saw an angry old man staring at him from his daughters bedroom, and an arm gesturing for him to follow.

    2) My wife and I stayed at the same house and had a tube of toothpaste laying at the foot of the bed in the morning

    3) My first night alone in our home, there was a knocking that came down the hallway towards our bedroom where I was falling asleep in.

    4) The same bedroom, again attempting to go to sleep, My wife first, and I somewhat later, heard very beautiful classical music coming from the heater vent.  When the heater stopped, so did the music.  (I do not have any classical music in the house, nor on any radio stations)

    5) We live close to Janesville, WI.  and we went to see Miracle. (she is dead now) While there, I found a feather and picked it up, I lost it later that day or the next day.

    As we were examining our house for the first time, we were taken through the back door by the agent, and on the inside stoop, was a matching feather.

    AND my favorite...

    While staying at my brothers house (the day that I was meeting my wife for the first time) I was playing a video game

    and it was getting close to when I needed to be leaving...

    The T.V. turned off,  I turned it back on and played for a few more minutes...It turned off again, I turned it on and continued.

    I spoke outloud and asked if it was time to leave...and it turned off again without delay.

    (it never did it before, nor after) My wife told me later on, that she was only giving me 5 more minutes and then leaving... I made it to our first date within the 5 minutes.

  9. yeah

    m a person who stays at a guest house which is supposedly haunted. this place has a history of accidental deaths, murders n r**** . but i came to kno about it only aftr i shiftd to this place n was left wid no option. well m not scared or freaked out, but i hv had sm strange experiences here.

    once during the summer night i was sleeping on my bed in my room. i heard a very strong n firm female voice callin my name loudly, i got up startled. i surveyed my surroundings. it was all very calm mid night. my roommate was sleepin soundly in pin drop silence. only sound there was of cooler fan. i kept on wondering for sm time wot it was, then fell asleep. this incident took place thrice with me. i jus felt like sm spirit z trying to contact me.After dat i changed my room for a day n that incident did not take place again.

    Later, one day i was alone in my room i had a wierd feeling that smthng z around me so i started talking to air and to my surprize i started getting responses. i felt may b its my imagination i asked dat thng to giv me sm proof and it left me.

    Well, i dont kno wot it was but i still feel that paranormal forces do coexist and they shud not b disturbed and they wont hurt u.

  10. Well i know a great youtube channel that has some really cool videos about the paranormal.

    Check it out =]

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