
Does anyone have any personal experience from vacationiing in South Africa?

by Guest61834  |  earlier

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My wife and I would really like to go to Capetown, South Africa to see this .

Has anyone ever vacationed there? I don't really know much about the location or traveling out of the country(USA) Also as far as cultures go, is it an accepting culture? My wife is white and if you couldn't tell by my avatar, I'm black so I wouldn't want to get into a potentially dangerous situation.

Thanks for the help!




  1. Well that is one very spectacular thing to see, my uncle used to work in the Cape region and he used to have many people come from all over the world to see that sort of thing. He saw many people come over from USA  and a lot of them were black men with white woman and vise verser, no one seemed to have a problem with that because you are tourists and will pay good money to see what you have come to see.

    You see SA is a greedy nation (like most) I mean just look at the government so as long as your paying in foreign currency you'll be fine. As for languages go there are 11 official languages in SA so you'll need 11 different translators!! LOL

    No, the majority of people are bilingual and speak English however those in the townships are not likely too and I would strongly advise you not to venture to the townships as that is were you are more likely to be mugged and even worse.So if you stay in the Cape and in the cities and hotels you should have no problem just using English.

    Enjoy your stay here!

  2. south africa is a beautiful country. i have been to johannesburg and durban. english is the dominate language so you should have no problem there. unfortunately, i don't know too much about their view on biracial relationships.

  3. "Also as far as cultures go, is it an accepting culture?"

    South Africa has come a long way in the past 10 -15 years where accepting mixed marriages is concerned but people do not magically become all accepting just because a piece of legislation has been signed. There are people who probably are still opposed.

    "I'm black so I wouldn't want to get into a potentially dangerous situation."

    I do not think you need worry so much about the white folks as you might have in the US in the past. My worry for you at this point in time is that being black you would walk into a situation where you might think that because you are black, you are safe among the blacks. Understand that Black South Africans  still maintain their tribal affiliations. They are not a united race of people. They are several  tribes all pulling in several different directions.and they do war with each other. Also, presently, there are a lot of black South Africans who are desperately poor and who unfortunately expect the government to support them and as you may expect, a tax Rand can only be stretched so far. Add to this an influx of refugees  from neighbouring countries who are willing to work and who are not necessarily members of any of the local tribes. It is a volatile set of circumstances.The present government is mostly black and without getting involved in any political arguments about the rights and wrongs of their policies, and giving them all the benefit of the doubt possible, they have been unable to maintain peace among the various tribes nor to lessen the poverty. Nor have they been able  to protect the refugees or to come to terms with governing as a democracy while maintaining their tribal loyalties (this is nigh unto impossible as I see it) and further,  they have no previous experience in governing in any event. It can be a dangerous place to be if you are unaware of the present situations going on. One hopes that an equitable solution will be found soon but being a realist myself, I don't believe we will see a magic wand type of change any time soon. That is how I see it at the moment.

    Having said that, I also think everyone should see South Africa. It is a fabulously beautiful country. Perhaps before you buy your tickets, it would be worth your while to read some of the news articles coming out of Cape Town  here's one

    so that you know what you are flying into. And if you are going to go, find someone you can trust to guide you around the hot spots.

    I do hope you get to see the sharks and the penguins and the dassies etc.

    Edit: Most everyone speaks English, if not well, at least enough to point you in the direction of someone who does. Keep in mind that playing ignorance and playing 'the victim' is often a means to a criminal end. I encourage you to  really do some serious research,

  4. you can get by with just speaking english.  i don't think it would  be dangerous that your wife is white but it is unfortunate that we live in the kind of world that you have to legitimately ask that question.  

    all i can tell you is that the beaches are amazing.  

    my biggest advice is to stay away from the Mookies.  I got sprayed in the face by one and nearly lost my left eye.  

    They are a little amphibious monkey with orange eyes and a mean temper.

  5. i dont know much about it but my brother went there and to Namibia for hunting... but he loved it and he went with about 5 people (all white) and were with people from africa and tour guides from there that were african american and they were all very nice... he loved it

    ALSO--make sure to get all of your shots before you go

  6. Have a look at this link:

    Have fun visiting south africa.

  7. South Africa has the highest murder and rape rates in the World. Up to 80 murders per day and a woman raped every 3 minutes.They practice genocide against Whites under the euphemism of "crime." Currently they are ethnically cleansing other African tribes under a purge to rid the Country of so called "foreigners." Cape Town is South Africa's most violent City stastically.

    And you dont "want to get into a potentially dangerous situation." Best you Google "crime south africa".

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