
Does anyone have any phys ed activities for children with Sotos Syndrome?

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Does anyone have any phys ed activities for children with Sotos Syndrome?




  1. It depends on how delayed your student is. I had a student in my class with Sotos and he had remarkable gross motor skills. He was able to particpate in a normal PE program with his own peers in other Kindergarten classes for mainstreaming. If your student has a lot of delays, you might want to approach it almost from am occupational therapy point of view. You could practice building gross motor skills with catching, kicking or even rolling a large ball with the student. You could work at movement with music which the kids love to do-locomotion skills like galloping, skipping, jumping, walking, running. Even just working on throwing skills with a bean bag would be great too. A lot of these things can be adapted to be done indoors too if you student has a problem with excessive sweating and overheating.

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