
Does anyone have any....?

by  |  earlier

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old guy repellent? Look everday I get hit on by these guys who are about twice my age and it creeps me out. I'm not dressing like a girly, girl. Nor am I flaunting my beauty in any fashion; I just keep to myself. I'm only 21 and I don't want to marry someone who's 40, 50, or 60! (Yes; I've been proposed to). My mom is 46, so I don't want someone who's close to my mother's age asking me out.

What should I do about this problem?




  1. lol, sorry hun I ran out!! That is too funny, not that your getting hit on by oldies just the way you said it..

  2. Report it to the police? I'm sure that will work! Have the court issue a restraining order!

  3. try to be uglyer

  4. you just have to ignore them. no matter what you do the older guys are always gonna stare and even try and hit on you. ya its totally gross (trust me i know) but you just have to act like they aren't even there.

  5. Don't play games, don't make it appear that you are interested in older men.  If they hit on you be polite but let them know you are not interested.  If they ask you why gently and politely let them know why and that age is an important factor in what you are looking for especially if you want kids.  You are looking for a future spouse and father to future children...not a grandfather and an elderly person to babysit and change their depends in the future.

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