
Does anyone have any stories of being "outed" by your friends?

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Have you ever told a best friend that you were LGBT in secret, only to have said friend turn around and tell the whole world? What are some stories you guys have?




  1. I thought I had a friend but he turned out to be backstabbing. He already knew I was g*y, and he was going to help me out with my depression and my problem of coming out. I guess he didn't agree with something about me living with my parents, and that he wanted me to live with him. I told him no because I had no friends, no support, I was completely alone so it was difficult to trust people I hardly even knew.

    So he came to my house and he got into a fight with my Mom, he left my house and I never heard from him again, until a week later when I got this envelope in the mail. It was addressed to my Mom and Dad, my Dad was home at the time he opened it and read it, there were letters and transcripts of my blogs that I had written. During that time I had used blogs like LiveJournal to express my depression through writing and poetry.

    The guy even highlighted the words "g*y" "Depressed" and "Suicidal" I couldn't believe this was happening to me so I snatched the papers and envelope from my Dad's hands. He asked me what the heck was that. He told me if what was written on these papers were true, from this point I was pretty much outed by this man, and I had no choice but to say yes to him.

    I was already crying, I heard tons of those coming out stories where younger g*y people come out to their parents and get disowned and thrown out of the house, I didn't want that to happen to me. I told him yes that I am g*y. After about 10 seconds of silence he came up to me and hugged me. He told me, "You're my son, I love you." He accepted me for who I was, he was more worried about my depression and suicidal thoughts.

    My Dad's Cousins and Uncles happen to be g*y so he knew how hard it was for them, but I guess it was a bit of a shock to him because it hit home really close to see that his own son is g*y, and that it is something that runs in the family.

    After that, my Dad helped me out and told my Mom about me being g*y but didn't tell her about the letters and the guy outing me, he made up a story that wasn't as bad, my Mom came into my room crying hugging me. I told my Dad that I was scared to come out to my Mom because I felt she would take it the hardest.

    Well my Mom accepted me as well, she came into my room hugging me and told me she loves me for who I am.

    I never knew that being outed would be so positive, but what I learned most about this situation about being outed is that you need to keep your secret safe, never tell anyone of your sexuality unless you REALLY trust them.

    Nobody should be outed at all, a person needs to choose when and how to come out.

  2. Ohh my friend decided to tell this guy that we went to school with and were both pretty good friends with him, and he told his guy friends that also went to my school... and yeah, it just went from there lol

  3. My friend once told my ex-best friend that I'm g*y, while she was drunk btw :D

    Not that big of a deal but... (o_O)

  4. Many years ago, a co-worker make a feeble attempt to tell my "secret." He was pissed at me for not acknowledging his advances. (one of those straight guys wanting a bj to keep quiet kind of thing) He said he had an announcement to about 10 people in the break room, me included, that he had something to say about me and said that I had tried to come on to him and he found it to very uncomfortable to work under these conditions. Yeah right! I cut him to the quick and just said that if you're trying to tell us, I'm g*y, most everybody knows, so what's your point? Everyone else told him to get over himself. Deflated his ego and he never bothered me again.  

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