
Does anyone have any suggestions where to move to?

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You see, I am sick of America, and I am not buying this Barack Obama change bullsh1t, and I don't like John Mcain either.

Either way, who ever gets elected, I think we are screwed (I believe Obama is going to be elected)

I Graduate high school in 2011, so anyhow; where would a good place be to college over seas?

I want to get out of this decaying country as fast as I can, so can anyone give me some suggestions what country, school and career I should choose.


Oh and, Cheers!




  1. I agree with you, America sucks big time! I have been around the world as well, and it is far from the best can try in the world. What about Europe? England would be a god choice, or Scandinavia (Scandinavia have some schools where they teach in English) Good Luck!

  2. If you don't speak a foreign language, you options are South Africa, Bermuda, Australia, Canada, England, India, and a few other African nations.

  3. Iraq sounds like your cup of tea.  After all the republicans have dressed it up a bit, and here it's perfectly safe to walk the streets according to John McCain.  They will even PAY you to go, of course you will get shot at from time to time, and there's always those pesky IEDs that blow up whenever you do patrols, but the weather is awesome.  We will miss you terribly, but think about this, we liberals survived eight years under arguably the dumbest president in our nations history in GWB, can't you make it eight under Obama?  I understand if you can't and I wish you well.

  4. I've been trying to go to England, where my Dad has lived for the last 12 years. He has asked me to come live with him now that I have finished high school. I want to study to be a teacher. They're giving me so much rubbish about getting in that I've had just about enough! Don't go there, if they're gonna be so unfriendly....South Africa is a beautiful place if you're up for that sort of thing. Lots of culture, less civilization, I'm sick of the lack of technology here!The moon might be the best option after all....

  5. Since your name is destroyer_of_fish, go fish somewhere on an island, like Tahiti.

  6. You graduate in 2011 ?  Listen, you don't know anything, about anything.

    I've been around the world, have even been in a communist countries.  Take it from me, you got lucky, you are in the best country in the world.  Not perfect, but the best thing going.

    As for a college - go to Hillsdale and learn something

  7. You could try Australia....we don't like our politicians much either, so we mainly tend to ignore them.

    Unlike america, we can actually walk up to our prime minister and tell him we don't like him without being shot or gaoled for life.

    p.s. if you do move here, tell everyone that you are canadian...americans aren't the most popular of people here

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