
Does anyone have any theories about how UFOs/extraterrestrials are getting to our solar system???

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Does anyone have any theories about how UFOs/extraterrestrials are getting to our solar system? It seems near impossible to physically travel such vast distances. How else might they be getting here? I'm imagining some sort of inter-dimensional porthole or something just as outrageous, so let your imagination run wild...




  1. They must be using warp drive to bend space and time.

  2. I have no idea but on the 9th of june me and my family saw something UFOish and reported it to The Sun with an attached video clip, Very weird!

  3. well is commonly accepted that they would have to be traveling much faster than the speed of light.  Scientists today have even claimed that the Star Trek theory of "warp" speeds is physically possible once the technology exists.  If they are coming here from other galaxies, that would be my guess, they are finding a way to "warp" space/time to make it possible to exceed the speed of light.

  4. They can either create dimensional shifts or wormholes.

  5. if they are travelling great distances,their petrol must be a lot cheaper than ours.

  6. Another concept that has captured the interest of some investigators is that UFO’s are superior beings that inhabit a “parallel universe.” According to this theory, these beings may be “able to manipulate the electrical circuits of the human mind.” With this ability, they could presumably control human governments. Some say they may be connected with “intelligences [that involve] the world’s leading religious movements, miracles, angels, ghosts, fairies, poltergeists, and the like.”—UFO and The Limits of Science, by Ronald D. Story.

    The Bible also speaks of extraterrestrials, spirit creatures, such as obedient angels and disobedient, rebellious angels who became demons. Down through Bible history, God on many occasions used faithful angels to communicate with men. (Genesis 22:9-18; Isaiah 6:1-7) Satan still uses his demon followers to mislead mankind with all kinds of philosophies, fads, messages, communications, and cults that distract from the message that God’s Kingdom, his heavenly government, will soon rule over a restored earth.—Compare Luke 4:33, 34; James 2:19; Revelation 12:9; 21:1-4.

    The Christian apostle Paul gave due warning of demon influence in the last days when he wrote: “The inspired utterance says definitely that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons.”—1 Timothy 4:1.

    Keeping in mind how deep we are into these apocalyptic days, it would not be advisable for Christians to spend their valuable time investigating in depth matters of this kind. Rather, we should concern ourselves with the more important challenge at hand, that is, obeying the command of the extraterrestrial holy angel who proclaimed: “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived, and so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.”—Revelation 14:6, 7.

  7. As far as means of travel, I don't really know...

    Mostly, I figure the more interesting question is that other life would possibly be very different than ours...perhaps they could live for thousands of years...and time would not be an issue for long distance travel...and other variants of this.

  8. The aliens have always been here.They were here long before man came apon the earth and they will be here long after man has left this planet to live in the stars.

  9. Even the smartest people don't know a lot of things. Stuff we can do these days would be magic to people hundreds of years ago. If aliens come from a very old civilization they can probably do stuff that looks like magic to us. Maybe they can travel faster than light. Maybe they can warp time and space. Maybe they can move through other dimensions. Or maybe they have been here for a long time already.

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