
Does anyone have any tips about practicing the flute?

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i just started 3 weeks ago and have been told to practice the flute over my 6 week holidy so i can take a grade in music and i need some advice please




  1. Practice often and of increasingly difficult songs. Make sure you master one skill before moving onto the next. Do you have a teacher?

  2. Some of the other answers here have been excellent, so I won't duplicate them. Something I found to be helpful was to play facing a mirror - you can see if you're holding your flute the correct way.

    Has anyone instructed you about proper embouchure?  Three weeks isn't very long to be at it .... so, something that might help is an instructional video if you have such a thing at your public library.

    It will keep some of the basics fresh in your mind:

    how to put a flute together and take it apart, how to clean it, the proper way to hold it, how to hold it - especially the position of the left wrist - and then goes over the all-important embouchure.

    I have recommended the video to some of my beginner students so they'd have something to refer to over the summer when they were out of town on vacation.

  3. ive been playing the flute for 2 years!!! first start with the easy stuff like the b scale i had to memorize it " b c d e f a g a f e d c b" i think thats how it goes......then practice the basic music, putting the simple notes together. practice a song slow at first then eventually play at normal speed. that will help u learn a song better. i got a music book when i started playing idk if u got one but it has a pic of a gloden flute on the front (think its called essential arts music book or something") anyway just practice 30-60min 5-6 days a week and you'll be good in no time!

  4. Hello Amina,

    Congradulations on playing the flute :)).  You are going to enjoy it...  I hope!!    Well Amina,  if you just started three weeks ago,   you really have not learned too much so far and I would not worry about trying to teach myself new material.   If you are learning from a book I will suggest you go back through all of the pages you have studied from so far and just review.   You say you are going to be tested when you get back...  Ok...  you will only be tested on the material that has been  introduced to you so far.

    Go from page 1 and review about two pages every day.  Be thorough and play through the pages, practicing about 30 to 45 minutes.  The next day... play through the following 2 pages and so on... until you have come to your current lesson.   This should be a good review of everything you have learned so far  and the practicing should make you 100% better.

    It is best you just be confident by this extra practice.  I think you will do very well.......IF you are WELL prepared.

    Good Luck.  I hope you make a good grade.

  5. Essential Elements books are great for beginners. They can be found at almost any music store. They introduce one or two notes at a time, give exercises for you to get used to how it feels and sounds to play the pitch, and then progressively combine it with the other notes you learn. So you practice the notes, become comfortable with them, and play songs.

    Keep in mind that the beginning is the most difficult, but with practice you'll see great improvement! Just make sure you have good posture, your arms aren't tilted, and you keep good ombasure. This is key, especially in the beginning, because bad habits are so so hard to reverse. Good luck!

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