
Does anyone have any tips for a scared flyer?

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I'm travelling tomorrow (Wednesday) to Cuba, Guardalavaca from the UK and it's a 10 hour flight. I'm really nervous and worried about flying.




  1. I am always most surprised when the plane takes off and lands safely, and I have flown many times.  I never really expect either.  It all seems so unlikely that this lump of metal full of people will somehow fly like a bird, but it does.

    Best thing is to remember just how many aeroplane flights there are in a day all over the world, and they all do it safely.  Get a window seat and enjoy the view. Flying over London is amazing!  Also when you see nothing but sea for ages, and then suddenly there is land.

    You will need to drink plenty of water, or you'll get a headache.  Keep asking the cabin staff for water, since they do not allow bottles on board these days.  Also set your watch at the new time as soon as you can, and try to sleep at your new bedtime and wake at your new getting-up time.

    Have a great trip!

  2. you should bring your ipod along and listen to calming songs. you wont be able to listen to it in the beginning of the flight when your first taking off, though. bring along some books or activities for you to do on the plane so you can occupy yourself and hopefully wont feel scared. good luck :)

  3. Allegedly, Air travel is the safest way to travel. Even more safe than a car.

  4. If you are of age (21 in the U.S...)  drink a little before you get on and a LOT after your in the air!  It will calm & relax you, or best case senario put you to sleep.  Works for me... different strokes...  God Bless America!

    BTW - don't drink so much they won't let you board the plane... you should be able to pass a field sobriety test... but remember... your not the one flying soooooooo there's no "legal limit"...  :)

  5. Just remember that flying by plane is the most safest way of travelling, it has a record of less accidents than any other form of transport. If you have your own T.V on the plane, just watch some films, or listen to music, or read a book, take a crossword or soduku puzzle on or something. If you feel ill, then suck on a sweet, or chew some mint gum.

    You will be fine!


    Have fun in Cuba! :)

  6. there is nothing to worry or be nervous, just do praising to god what ever you believe in

  7. Your more likely to die on virtually any other form of transport.  

  8. You won't have any problems.  I just asked God to have an Angel travel next to you.

  9. Just don't watch Final Destination.

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