
Does anyone have any tips for flying with a 10 month old?

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We are going on a 4 hour flight tomorrow and although I have flown with my children before, I havent flown with one so young.

Any good tips would be greatfully appreciated.




  1. I think it's a bit selfish actually.

  2. the obv really, lots of colouring books games distractions.... if its nto to late pop to ure doctor as medised makes them drowsey i wldnt usually recommend drugging a child lol but speak to ure doc, mine prescribed pheanagon (spelling!!!) for my 18month old wen we went on an 8 hr flight, but min age for that is 2 really and he stressed we cld only give a teeny bit, so wld say thats no good for 10months.

  3. idk if this will work because she's so young but you could always try to bring sticker/coloring books. My niece (who's a year and a half) has a Dora one, I'm pretty sure you can find it at any supermarket.

    is she big enough for suckers or jolly ranchers or anything? when I was littler I know the air pressure always hurt my ears so my parents would give me gum or a sucker or something to try and help make it go away

    good luck :)

  4. Some people will boo me for this, but I've heard giving them benadryl helps.( makes them sleepy)  I've never flown with my baby, but I would probably look into that, and see how safe it is to give them if I were to fly with her

  5. Crayons and a colouring book, but hold out till you get on the plane. Load your MP3 with lots of songs they like.

    you can get chunky crayons and let them scribble, OK a ten month old wont draw anything great but that's not the point its a distraction.

  6. Benedryll is safe for children over 6 months old. Also if at all possible, set your cell phone and small children to vibrate so as not to disturb your fellow passengers.

  7. Feed just before the flight.

    A baby wil not like the crowds.

    Been there and done it.

    Be prepared for all prior take off looks of despair.

    As in a screming kid.

    Ignore them al and be a Mother.

    It works, the child needs space.

    I also used a dose off calpol, but my kid was unwell.

    Have a good flight.

  8. Pack plenty food, diapers and toys that the baby likes.  Maybe pack a special blanket that he/she really likes so maybe the baby can fall asleep for a while.  I would dress baby really comfortably, maybe like an all in one terry suit, with poppers at the bottom for diaper changes and a cardigan in case baby gets cold.

    Enjoy your trip, it should be fine, really.

  9. Make sure you have a bottle or sippy cup - the sucking and swallowing helps relieve the pressure build up in the ears.  

    My son used to get pretty bad ear aches on the plane, and the doctor recommended taking some Benedryl before the flight and it really helped a lot.  He also would get a good nap in as a result.

    Bring some healthy snacks as they really don't serve any food anymore.  Also bring their favorite blanket and/or stuffed animal on board.  Crayons, coloring books, and reading books are also helpful.

    Good luck to you!

  10. So everyone has been saying coloring books and such...not sure if anyone truly read the question as it does mention the little one is only 10 months old therefore PROBABLY doesn't quite have the motor skills to color quite yet though they might like to chew on them.  I would suggest the Benedryl option if you are ok with that.  Your pediatrician is always a great source on infant and toddler travel suggestions and sometimes have information brochures on ideas.  Something to suck on is a good idea to help equalize the pressure in their ears.  Try to get a seat closer to the front if possible to prevent being behind or close to the engines to keep the noise level down.

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