
Does anyone have any tips for overhand serves?

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God, I've been trying FOREVER to do overhand serves for volleyball and I just can't get them down. Please, does anyone have any tips?

Open or closed hand? How to throw it right? What to do for just learning?





  1. Yea...all u have to do is work at it all the time..but while u r practicing practice with ur hand open and hit as hard as possible....the way to hit it hard is to pretend ur hitting someone u hate....Good Luck

  2. keep your eye on the ball

    toss ball the air above your head but in front of you, with your opposite hand

    open hand all the way through

    use your power hand

    and just follow through on your serve,

    dont use too much power,

    if you like power overhand serving, try jump serve instead

  3. if youve played softball or baseball then this should be easy any way you dont want to throw it to high and its just like pitching

  4. Toss the ball up with one hand just a little over your head and don't bend your arm or move ,cause then that is the direction the ball you serve is going to go. Once your toss it up with the other hand you are going to hit with  make a flat palm and with the center part of your palm hit the ball. It hit hurt till you get the hang of it but once you do and you put as much force as you want no one will be able to stop your over hand serve i haven't found a person to stop mine yet.

  5. OPEN HAND ALWAYS! you never see hs, college, or pro with closed hand right? okay make sure you are facing in the direction you want the ball to go. when you toss the ball, toss with your opposite hand and the toss should make the ball goes in front of your hitting shoulder. don't toss it too high. you should be conntacting the ball at it's highest point in the toss because at it's peak, it stops moving for a split second. so it would be easier to hit a ball when it's not moving which would be when it's at its peak. if you have issues getting it over do push ups every night to get your arms stronger. it helps i promise. right after your serve you will notice that where your hand is facing is the direction the ball went. keep that in mind. now for your feet, start with your tossing arm's foot in front. when you toss, take a step with your foot that's in front as you toss and then when you conntact the ball, you can bring your dominate foot forward a little.

    good luck

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