
Does anyone have any tips for starting 7th grade?

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i am open for any suggestions.




  1. have fun its wayy funner then 6th grade but u get tons of hw.

  2. Get in a fight with a smaller kid the second you walk through the door. This will show everyone you're not a pushover.

    Or maybe this advice is for some other place...

  3. Just be confident. Be yourself... dont let others try to change you. Don't let peer preasure get to you!! Classes will be eay aslong as you dont mess around and listen to your teachers! Good luck!!

  4. Just study, make new freinds, work hard, stay out of trouble, and have fun. Be yourself and everyone will like you for who you are I promise. good luck!

  5. Just try to have a good time and get all of your work done. Seventh grade really isn't that difficult if you try.

  6. Bring the bible because you're gonna go through a living h**l.

  7. Stay away from the younger crowd. They tend to be ridiculing, snot-nosed brats. Same goes for high school too.

  8. Don't listen to the guy who said it was living h**l.

    It was relatively easy (in terms of work), fun, and you really start to realize your interests and identity.  You get chances to make a lot of new friends too :)

    Have fun (:

  9. Well 7th grade is not the best year. Just walk in as confident as you are stay true to yourself and try to find those people that your going to hang out with for the rest of the year. oh...and look forward to 8th grade...its a blast!!!

  10. Be Confident

    and try not to be nervous, i started grade 7 last year, and i thought it was going to be a horrible, confusing grade, but it wasn't that bad.

    Don't worry.

    Hope this helps.

  11. try to be BOLD that might help but not that bold cuz u might get in

    trouble and and try to make friends :)

  12. Well something that i had allot of trouble with was carrying everything from class to class, a good idea would be to get a big binder and keep it organized. Also, you should get some clear separators to separate all of the papers for all of the different classes.

    If they allow it, you should get a good sized shoulder bag to help you carry things from class to class. If your school lets you go to your locker between classes then you shouldn't have this problem.

    Other tips i could give you are:

    ~Always be on time

    ~do all of your homework

    ~keep your locker clean/organized

    ~study hard

    ~dont be afraid to ask questions

    hope i helped (:

  13. well, I was just in that grade, and I guess it just depends on your school, Like in my school, there is dramaaaa, like you see on soap operas, and it sucks! but some schools are alot diffrent, and classes, if you pay attenison, and you paid attension in 6th, your sure too be suceful! have fun in 7th!! Stay out of troublee!

  14. Well , it's petty much the same as 6th grade.

    you're not exactly learning anything new

    just keep your grades up and stay out of trouble


  15. umm my seventh grade year was my favorite :) I know nothing about your school so idk what i can tell u... ummm dont accidentally walk into the guys bathroom, if your classes r all close together u should have no prob in between classes, my highschool is like u have to go from the third floor to the first then across the court yard and up to the second floor and down three hallwyas, if its like that then dont waste time in the halls, they lock us out and we have to go get a pass from the office if were late. If u have to go to the bathroom or fix ur make-up or something go in between the classes that r easiest to get to. wait idk if ur a guy or a girl i dont remeber what your avatar looks like :( well if ur a girl dress cute and do good in school :) if ur a guy, same but dont dress cute teehee. Bring mints or gum or something for after lunch, bring lipgloss (girl haha), if the food is gross bring your lunch, if u eat at school always be sure u have lunch money so u dont end up eating a stale bread peanut butter and jelly sandwhich. good luck :  

  16. i agree with ppl above me specially the h**l thingy n talkin 2 gurls

  17. people say its the easiest, but there lying its the hardest....

    and get good grades... high schools look at the 7th year

  18. For starting seventh grade, you should focus on school and get ready for high school.  Although colleges don't count middle school as "important" you should still try hard and learn because it just gets you ready for the real challenge "high school."

    By the way, I'm a senior in high school.  Hoped this helped.  

  19. remember to be true to yourself ,don't do anything that doesn't feel right to you,and that this is a growing time (and sometimes awkward) time for you and you have alot to learn..but no matter what this too shall pass.always keep the lines of communication open with parents because they really do have your best interst at heat...even if they don't always understand what you are going thru..

  20. if you're going to a school you heard is bad, do anything you can........

  21. for me. 7th grade was the most fun middle school year ever and its pretty easy

  22. welll.....wat can isay im a sophmore so iv'e been through all of it...through a girls point of view but all i can say is act matura and dnt act like a little kid in front of the girls...they hate that

  23. I am going into eighth grade, and I was nervous to go to seventh.  Some Tips for you are:

    -Stay Organized

    -Be nice to your teachers

    -ALWAYS pay attention and take notes.

    -Study for tests, (they can be very tough)

    -Socialize (but not during class)

    -Use your locker (it is very helpful, and really makes your backpack less heavy.)

    Hope I helped :)   *and Good Luck*  :)

  24. Well, its not much different from 6th grade,

    since yer still in middle school.

    Just try to stay away from all the drama cuz

    it happens, and it can get pretty frusterating.

    Hope yew have a fun year :)  

  25. ummmm just be confident ya know dont be insucure because they will pick on u because they will know and just be bolddd and talk to anybODY AND EVERTYBODY ok where cute close and flirt alotttt  ur very welcome

  26. whats so special about it?unless you go to a school that starts middle school at 7th grade.well,stay nice n neat,always bathe and wear clean clothes.its always a kid who stinks and could use this info.dress nice and be youself.good luck

  27. just be yourself no matter how hard the pressure is and dont hang out with girls that have a reputation of being fast

  28. Well I just ended my 7th grade year so this is my advice from an 8th grader:

    -Study hard but don't stress out cause 7th grade is easier than 6th grade (the homework)

    -Be nice to your enemies because this is when people get really mean.

    -Don't try to be someone you're not...It always backfires.

    -Don't gossip too much it will suck when you are caught.

    -Try to befriend your teachers it will be useful in the long run.

    I hope I've helped you!

  29. Be yourself, actually complete homework, don't try and be someone you aren't. You shouldn't really stress, just try your best at your homework and try to make new friends.

  30. Talk to the ladies my friend! WORK YOUR MAGIC!!!!

  31. It's the same as 6th grade.

    Just do your best, try to know how to open your locker, make friends, stay out of fights

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