
Does anyone have any tips on how to spot tells in texas holdem poker and what they tell you?

by  |  earlier

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I play in live games quite alot and often i will notice something on a player's face lets say for example i think they look a bit nervous when they are betting could that mean that they have a strong hand and are worried you might not call or that they are bluffing. I was watching a game on tv and phill helmuth was commentating and he said that when he asks a a player how many chips they have left and if they are counting them clumsily then they might be bluffing but couldn't that mean that they also have a big hand? I find it hard to convert tells in to what they actually mean




  1. tells mean nothing unless you can pick each players up and you do that by playing hands, you have to have a very good memory on what cards they have played and won with and what they have played and lost with and what they have bluffed with. As the game progresses you should start to get the feel for the player and start to notice when they are on a good hand or bluffing, but the true fact is while alot is skill if two players go head to head its all pure luck on what cards come out on the flop

  2. If a player is acting weak, he's strong.  If he's acting strong, he's weak.  Go with your instincts and build a faith from this basic principle and you'll be on your way.  It takes time and patience, but it works.

  3. One obvious tell for when a player has nothing is something called folding.

    If they fold then you know they had nothing

  4. It's fairly well document that most people look up and to the right when trying to recall something or work something out in their head. They look up and to the left when making something up or lying.

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