Well, I have a busy schedule for school. I normally have a small bowl of cereal at around 7:30 in the morning, then I have breakfast at school also which could be any time between 9am and 10am. I almost always have a croissant and a carton of apple juice then. Lunch is normally between 12:15 and 2:00, and I normally have either a sandwich, a baked potato or a main meal (which can range from pizza to curry). On top of either one of those I have a small slice of cake and sometimes a bottle of fizzy water.
I have typically 3 hours of P.E lessons a week and I do dance class after school and I am going to start going to the gym after school for an hour on Mondays.
I am really hoping to lose weight on my thighs because that is the part of me that I want to change. Does anyone have any ideas on helping me along with the process? Help on my diet would be great and will I be doing enough exercise too?