
Does anyone have any tips on loosing weight? ?

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Well, I have a busy schedule for school. I normally have a small bowl of cereal at around 7:30 in the morning, then I have breakfast at school also which could be any time between 9am and 10am. I almost always have a croissant and a carton of apple juice then. Lunch is normally between 12:15 and 2:00, and I normally have either a sandwich, a baked potato or a main meal (which can range from pizza to curry). On top of either one of those I have a small slice of cake and sometimes a bottle of fizzy water.

I have typically 3 hours of P.E lessons a week and I do dance class after school and I am going to start going to the gym after school for an hour on Mondays.

I am really hoping to lose weight on my thighs because that is the part of me that I want to change. Does anyone have any ideas on helping me along with the process? Help on my diet would be great and will I be doing enough exercise too?




  1. I think your food system is not helping you a lot ... try to eat more fruits and veggies instead of other things ... drink more water ... and try to reduce fat from your food .. visit my blog you'll find lots of tips and information about food and calories ... plus you'll find lots of exercises that will help you to lose fat from you thighs and flatten your tummy

    good luck

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