
Does anyone have any tips on taking babies to cyprus? ?

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My husband and I are taking our 17 month old and 22 week old to Cyprus for a week.




  1. Not specifically for Cyprus but here are a couple of tips I learnt from my two (now 9 months and 25 months)

    - if you are feeding formula milk still then take enough of your brand with you. They can get upset tummies switching brands (my eldest had horrible constipation even changing age-groups within the same brand)

    - make sure you use cooled boiled water for both (or bottled water,but some people do say that some brands contain some salts, but this is a matter of debate

    - although you don't want to take too much " stuff" with you, there were a couple of essentials

    * a toy or something reassuring at least for the eldest so that if he/she gets unnerved then there is a piece of "home" for him

    - a clip-on chair - like one which fits to a table - they are portable so you can use in your hotel room and also restaurants as some places don't cater well (or in enough volume) for kids this age

    - for the flight, here's a link to a really great answer which I kept on my watchlist;...

    Then of course take protection for the kids for the sun clip-on umbrella for the youngest and sun cream (because there is no saying you get get high SPF for little ones over there) and a decent floppy hat

    Make sure you have a decent holiday medical insurance (not just the EHIC) in case something does happen (peace of mind if nothing else) and that the kids are definately included on it

    However,that being said, they are adaptable little folk - so don't worry too much, and have a lovely time

  2. Yes, a small carry on luggage type accessory should be sufficient

  3. Hi, It will be very hot in Cyprus so just do as you would do in UK, and keep them out of the sun, you will be able to buy all the things you can buy in the UK for them, go to the larger supermarkets they are a lot cheaper, (Orphamedes, Zenith). You will be able to hire a car, driving is great in Cyprus (just watch out for speed traps) hire it in the resort through your representative that way you will get no hidden extras, you will be able to hire baby seats. They drive on the same side of the road as in UK, i will be in Cyprus 10th September, i have been going to Cyprus for 20 years now and i love it , have a great stay.

  4. Yes. Keep them off the booze and be strict on their curfew!

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