
Does anyone have any tips on teaching a slow learner [7 yr old]?

by Guest62620  |  earlier

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Does anyone have any tips on teaching a slow learner [7 yr old]?




  1. Labels are hard to shed.  All children progress at their own pace.  There is nothing that can be done to "speed up" the learning process.  Educators understand this fact and are capable of ensuring that all children reach their full potential. Avoid allowing your child to be labeled.  Not only do they follow your child, they can also prevent a child from aspiring to achieve beyond his "deficient." Special Education, tutoring, educational aides, etc. are resources to consider.  Your child is "slow"; my child is "fast."  Gifted and talented students are also eligible for 'special education'. Because they are in the minority, they are often forgotten.  Everyone deserves the right to be challenged.  If left unchallenged, the child can become bored or disinterested in school which can lead to behavior concerns, delinquency concerns, etc., some of the same 'problems' expected from 'slow' children.  I fought to get my son the education he deserved.  As a parent, you must be proactive in your child's education.  It is your job to make sure your child receives needed services.  Fight for the education that your child deserves.  

    B.L.S. Director of an early learning center

  2. Start with reading.  Reading is the gateway to education. Never let the child hear himself refered to as a slow learner.  Restrict tv and video games.    Subscribe to a kids magazine like Highlights.  Have him read it everyday.  Teach him phonics.  Don't give a child too much sugar.  It is hard enough for a child to stay still and study without being jacked up on foods with sugar added.

  3. Read to him or her. Discuss the book. Take turns reading a chapter.

    Reading is extremely beneficial to children. Find a great book and I would even suggest an audio book (but get a hard copy too, to read along) and do this activity together.

    Reading improves childrens performance in all subjects.

    An excellent book for you to read together is "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" because it is humorous, it is about a family everybody can relate to and usually your child can relate to one of the characters.

    I read books like this to my children until they went to high school and they still love for me to read what they are reading.

    Other books that are age appropriate for a 7 year old.

    Frindle, Andrew Clements

    The Cricket in Times Square, Seldon

    The Sign of the Beaver

    The Twits, Roald Dahl

    Ralph S. Mouse, Cleary

  4. Lots of reward and encouragement.  Go at their pace.

  5. stay on his level without pushing to frustration and lots of positive reinforcement.

  6. 1. Read to/& or with him every day.

    2. Patience

    3. Practice:

    Here's a few for great worksheets, lesson plans, activities:


    Cool reading sites for kids:

    Hope this helps! :)

  7. Learn from R and D..............., IT IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR OUR CHILDREN................


  9. First you have to figure out why he is slow at learning. Everyone has their own learning style. At that age, it is hard to understand abstract concepts so it helps to give them something concrete. For instance, if it is math, give them apples to count. Most kids are really creative and like to make things so if they are learning about something specific (country or animal) then they can draw, sculpt, paint important things to remember (Italy is shaped like a boot, a lion has a mane, etc) For some kids sitting down is hard so you can put a large white board on the wall and let them draw or do their math as big as they want all over the wall. Doing physical activities every 10-15 helps break things up. Make it a game. Do some math problems and then race around the house. Reward and punishment is not really effective in the long run, but knowing how s/he learns best will definitely make a difference!

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