
Does anyone have any tips on tripping?

by Guest56723  |  earlier

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I am planning on tripping on acid for the first time tomorrow night. I am looking for some things that will make the experience enjoyable.




  1. squeezy things like soft balls and toys are fun. musical instruments are strange fun.

    don't stare at yourself in the mirror.!

  2. Just make sure your in a safe enviroment and it helps to be with other people who are trippin to.

  3. don't land on your face, it might hurt

  4. drink orange juice and take lots of vitamins beforehand, you'll trip a little harder. also smoking bud helps a lot too, you'll visually trip way harder if you smoke on the reefer.

    one fun thing to do is to go into nature and just look at plants and trees and the ground itself. try not to go into crowded places, you might get anxiety. look through a magnifying glass its NUTTY

  5. definetely smoke some pot from time to time, go through one of the gas station car washes, watch pans labarynth. be sure with a close group of friends and have no worries going into it, or you could possibly have a bad trip. and most importantly have fun.

  6. go ahead and become a drug addict and stupid as well

    oh also ruin your life.. oh i forgot you get a job

    that does drug test you won't get it

  7. Watch something peaceful, listen to peaceful music. Dont trip in a loud, crazy environment. Setting should be relaxed and peaceful. If you go for a walk do it with a friend. If you dont like crowds avoid them. IF you are a mellow person in general you shouodnt have any problems--better safe than sorry though.

      Dont go to a rave, NOT a good idea. It ultimately depends on what you are hoping to experience.

    First time I tripped it was at a freinds house, and I couldnt stop laughing! Everything was funny! Go to a club where jazz is being played or the like. Great fun!

      Second time I tripped I did just what loki said, I sat in the dark in front of a mirror with a candle lit. Interesting, but no freakouts.

  8. take the tax they chaged you and times it by 2

  9. smoke pot, and just enjoy. once it hits you you will be loving  yourself dont worry

  10. Are you nutz? Don't   do it!!!

  11. watch the yellow submarine [highly recommended], or willy wonka and the chocolate factory or alice in wonderland or something trippy. set out some paints if you get the urge. take a walk in a forest. eat/drink vitamin c to enhance visuals. have fun, and use it as a learning experience.

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